Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Eight

Jasmine, Alex, Brendon, Jon, and Spencer sat on the couch. They all stared at the television but they weren't really watching. They were wondering when Ryan was going to come out of his room. After a good two hours, they heard a door open from upstairs. Footsteps echoed as Ryan walked down the stairs. Alex clenched her fists, ready to literally beat the living shit out of him.

He appeared at the bottom of the stairs. He payed no attention to the people sitting on the couch. He payed no attention to five people sitting on the couch, giving him glared. "Asshole." Alex muttered as he walked by. He stopped.

"Bitch." He muttered back. That's all it took to send Alex over the edge.

"OH HELL NO! JASMINE HOLD MY EARRINGS!" Alex handed the diamond earrings to Jasmine before she pulled Ryan back by his shoulders.

"What the fuck are you doing you physco!?" Ryan yelled.

"You're just a prick, Ryan Ross! I can't believe you have the nerve to make Pete's daughter cry!" Alex screamed, trying to punch Ryan. He blocked her punch and lifted her up and set her on the couch.

"Stay. You old hag." Ryan muttered the last part. Jasmine and Spencer held Alex down as Ryan walked past her and went back up to his room. Alex calmed down enough to think of a brilliant plan.

"Does Pete have any bleach?" She asked in a sweet voice.

"Um, I think it's in the laundry room." Spencer replied. Alex grabbed Jasmine's arm and they ran up the stairs to the laundry room.

"What are we doing?" Jasmine whispered.

"We're getting back at that dick, Ryan. Hold this." Alex handed Jasmine a small cup. She grabbed a bottle of bleach and poured it into the cup. She led Jasmine to the bathroom Spencer and Ryan shared. Alex opened the shower curtain and looked at the two shampoo bottles. "Which do you think is Ryan's? Herbal Essences, or Vanilla Scented, Extra Texture, Styling, Pantene Pro-V?" They both looked at each other.

"The vanilla one." They said in unison. Alex took the bottle and opened the cap. She grabbed the bleach from Jasmine and poured it all into the white bottle. She shook it up, to make sure it was all mixed in, and put it back on the shelf. The two girls ran back down the stairs, trying to hold in their laughter.

"What did you two do?" Jon asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." The girls replied. Fifteen minutes later they were hold their laughter in as they heard the shower turn on upstairs. Fifteen more minutes later the shower turned off.

"Three. Two. One..." Alex counted down.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ryan's yell was heard throughout the house. Soon they heard running and they saw Ryan's red face in front of them. Spencer, Jon, and Brendon burst into uncontrollable laughter at Ryan's beach blond hair.

"I personally think the brown was more...manly. But hey if you rock your boat that way..." Alex trailed off.

"YOU TWO DID THIS! YOU TWO HORRIBLE, IDIOTIC, HYPER, BITCHES!" Ryan screamed at them, clutching his towel around his waist.

"Do you have evidence?" Alex asked innocently. Ryan was about to yell again but stopped himself, realizing he had lost. He turned on his heels and marched up to his room. He didn't come out the whole weekend.


"I'M HOME!" Pete called into the house.

"Daddy!" Jasmine screamed and jumped into her dad's arms.

"Hey! Did you miss me?" He asked softy. She nodded. He laughed and kissed her cheek before setting her down and greeting everyone else. "Where's Ryan?" He asked. Everyone gave each other glances.

"He kind of doesn't like me and Jazz. He stayed in his room all weekend." Alex informed him. Pete gave her a look of confusion before walking up the stairs. Patrick kissed Alex and Joe and Andy greeted Jasmine.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" They heard Pete's booming laughter from downstairs.

"SHUT-UP IT ISN'T FUNNY!" Ryan screamed.

"THE HELL IT ISN'T! WHERE'S MY CAMERA!?" Pete started to laugh again. Pete walked down the stairs, still laughing and dragging Ryan by his arm. Joe, Andy, and Patrick burst into laughter too.

"What the hell happened to you?" Joe asked, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Well, your girlfriend," Ryan pointed at Patrick, "And your daughter," He pointed at Pete, "Put something in my shampoo!" He yelled. Pete looked down at Jasmine.

"High-five!" Joe held up his hand to Jasmine. She laughed and high-fived him.

"I'm so proud!" Pete joked and hugged Jasmine.


"Uh-Oh." Alex slid out from Patrick's shoulder and grabbed Jasmine, knowing they should get earplugs because there would be loud yelling and maybe a few punches in about five seconds.

"Excuse me?" Pete asked, putting his hands on his hips.

"You heard me! She's a brat!" Patrick rolled up his sleeves and fixed his hat before glaring at Ryan.

"Jasmine isn't a brat. Pete punishes her when needed. You can get that fixed, it isn't a big deal." Patrick stated calmly.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? You're going to let her get away with anything she wants because she's Pete Wentz's fucking daughter that he only sees three times a year!?" Pete had had it.

"Jasmine, go to your room. Alex, go with her," Pete ordered. Alex and Jasmine ran up the stairs, knowing Pete was on the verge of ringing Ryan's neck, "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Pete yelled as soon as he heard the door shut.

"Wrong with me!? Look at your daughter, Pete! She's a disaster on legs!"




"OW! FUCK!" Ryan screamed at the powerful blow he had received from Pete. Pete turned on his heels and walked up the stairs and into his room, slamming the door.

"You just messed with the wrong father." Patrick warned before everyone walked up the stairs and to their rooms.