Status: Active—slowly but surely

Opposites Attract

Suprising Connections

Matt’s point of View

By the end of debate I was fuming. Josh was just cracking up at the comment because he knows that I hate it so much. He was watching the two girls leave laughing and pointing obliviously thinking it was the best joke he’s ever heard. Then he looked at my face. If looks could kill he’d be dead.

I could feel my face and ears burning and my face must have been red. My ears turn the color of fire engines when I’m mad. I get that from my dad. Also my hands were tightened into fists.

Josh stopped laughing and looked totally serious. He was instantly focused on the board, which never happens. He knows not to mess with me at all when I’m mad. He learned the hard way.

“Hey Matt, C’mon!” I heard a soft voice call from the hallway. I gathered my books and tried to shove them in my bag but they all fell out and went everywhere. All my papers looked like a big heap of snow with lines.

“Peanut Butter!” I said quietly, but obliviously someone heard me. I heard a snort and looked up at Josh. He was still looking at the board fist to his mouth coughing. His face was slightly pink from laughing/coughing. I sighed and angrily shoved everything into a big messy heap into my bag and got up to meet Dannie in the hall. I was glad my next classes didn’t have Josh in them until after lunch.

We stopped at our lockers first where I quickly got the books I needed replacing them with the ones I didn’t. I also fixed the mess in my bag. I got one last book slamming my locker door a bit harder than needed. The whole hall looked at me and because I had forgot to cover my face a bunch of whispers went around about Brenna’s jerk of an ex. They don’t know the story at all. Then I, for a second and only a second, missed Josh. He would have told them to shut the, uh, heck up.

“You ok?” Dannie asked sweeping his black hair out of his face to look at me. He looked so young with no problems when really he had the most out of all of us.

“Yeah.” I said absently. There was like a rule on not worrying Dannie too much.

“Josh told me.” He said calmly, he was the opposite of Josh. He was completely serious. Serious and shy. That’s Dannie. “Well you’re going to have to get through the next couple classes with her you know.”

“What?!” I asked turning towards him. Again, louder than needed. The halls saw me again.

“Yeah, she’s in our next, two, classes.” He said studying the class list. “Yeah two.”

“Gosh darn!” I said slumping against a wall. “All year?” I asked him.

“Well duh, Matt, unless she or you gets moved to another class. Don’t worry I heard she gets along awful with Ms.Holmes so she might be in the office more than class. At least in this class.
Then we have art… I think she likes that class.”

“Dannie, how do you know all that?” I asked him opening my eyes from when I’d been sure I would just die of frustration.

“No reason.” He said more quietly than normal. I brushed it off because really, Dannie is a genius and knows more about a lot than maybe even the teachers. “Let’s go.” He said and waited for me to move. We made it to class.

I sat in a seat in the middle. I always did. I hated being in the front right where the teacher sees you but the back is bad because they always think the kids back there are doing something odd or not paying attention. The chances of being called on increase about 15% while being in the middle its more 50-50. Dannie sat next to me because of two reasons. 1: He agrees with me. 2: he’s a good friend.

Class started and I saw Kelly walk in with Josh’s friend Jace. I didn’t like those kids but Josh wanted to be their friends so whatever. I’d try and deal I’d told him. The class went well and the teacher called on Kelly. Kelly fought back... hard. I was shocked at what was said between the two. I'd never seen Ms. Holmes be so hostile especially on a touchy topic like a death. I was... lost the word... uh... appalled. Dannie's eyes widened and I could sense what he was thinking.

Too much like home.

Long story short Kelly left the class room in tears for the principal’s office and never came back. I didn't see her in any of my other classes either. The thing that surprised me most was what I did after she left. It even surprised Dannie.

"What was that for?!" I practically screamed at the teacher. Then I was stunned. I'd never done anything like that and it had come out of nowhere. I couldn't ignore how mad I was though. It was the same mad as before... this was different.
"Excuse me Mr.Carwil?" she asked all calm like nothing had happened.

"You can't just do that. She's had a hard time. You don't even know her!" I said. That's it; I'd lost it so I just let this new side of me go. "That’s really insensitive you know. What if she's still upset about that, heck I know she is. You never get over that type of thing. I would know!" I cast a quick glance at Dannie.

"Mr.Carwil, I'm surprised at you, what’s come over you? You were my best student and I’ve never had these problems with you before."

"I just, I" I sighed "I know how she feels, a little. Actually I don't. No one can fully understand the pain people like her go through. You always think you do but you don't. I mean give her a break or at least don't bring it up here. School's supposed to be a safe environment? That’s a good one."

"Mr.Carwil, I understand you just came from debate but please control yourself."

"You know what? No. I'll show myself to the office." I got my stuff and left. Just like that.
I didn’t even know I could do that kind of thing. Stand up to a teacher. I decided that maybe Kelly and I had something in common. I went to step into the office and ask her if she was ok. She wasn't there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! first chapter by me up by me! I know the chapter names suck and they are subject to change... ah yeah they suck.