Status: Active + Collabo


Never a right time to say Goodbye.


I was sitting at home, scheduling a fan meet-and-greet contest for the guys. I noticed that they didn't interact much with the fans, and it was my job to promote them. What better way than to have M&G's? The contest will be a fan fiction one. Who ever can write the best One Shot about spending a day with BB would win a day with them AND get the winning stories in a mini book. There would be 6 1st place winners. And the next 20 runners-up would be awarded with autographed pictures and an autographed mini-book with the winning stories. Cute right! Being a fangirl, I knew from the VIP forums that the mini-vips LOVED to write stories about our BB. Granted..some of them were....NC-17..but I'll put in the Official Rules, "NO YAOI." I don't want the guys to be scarred for life, 'nah mean?

After I handled all the aspects of the M&G, I went on to set up the next week's events. I wondered were my little sister was. I knew she had a meeting with YG, but she should have been here by now. suddenly, my yeo-dongsaeng came crashing through the door. "How'd it g-" I stopped, She was crying. "Well, I take it the meeting didn't go well?" She shook her head and went to her room. I decided to follow her. "What did he say?" I was confused when she started grabbing her suitcase. "Hey, Dinosaurus, you can't just up-and-leave when you get yelled at.." Dezi just looked at me. "I'm NOT up-and-leaving," she said quietly. "He fired me."


"He did WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "He fired me for having a personal relationship- well no, we never had a relationship. He fired me because I liked Seungri too much. He said it was against the rules." After she said that, I got angry. "Why didn't he fire me too then? I had more of a relationship with GD than you had with Maknae." All she said was, "I didn't tell him about that." "Desiree! I know that HAD to come up!" I was near to yelling. "Nope," she said. "I didn;t mention it." Thats it. I'm going to have a little talk with Yang-Goon-shii. And I told Dezi so. "Noo! Just let me leave...You can stay here and plan things like we've been doing." I scoffed. "Do you HEAR yourself? You were SO excited to come here, and now you're leaving without a fight? Nope, thats not the Dinosaurus I know.Plus, I need you. I don't do all that graphics and VIP's make me itch." Dez sighed and threw up her hands. "I don't know what to do OR say that will make YG change his effing mind!" I smiled humorlessly. "Leave that to me."


I got dressed slowly, putting on an expensive looking dress, a satin and lace one, and satin heels. Just a TOUCH of makeup, and a dab of lipgloss. I pull my hair down and let the bangs cover my eye. Dezi came in my room, looking for her shirt, and she snorted. "You look like a fucking truffle. What are you gonna do, seduce him?" I glared at her. "Language. And NO, we're just gonna have a little talk.

Our Little Talk -

I entered the YG office like an assassin. Cool, Calm, Collected, but on a mission. I knew he was here, he usually was at this time of the evening. "Good Evening," I said to the receptionist, flashing her my YG Employee Pass. "I'm here to see Yang-Goon." She smiled at me and ushered me forward. Too Easy.

I knocked lightly on the door before entering. YG was sitting reading a book. He looked up as I entered, and smiled. "Miss Airica, to what do I owe this lovely visit? Please, sit down." I sat down, and half smiled. "My sister, Yang-goon-shii. You told her to leave?" He lost his smile. "Yes, yes I did. Not only did she start a personal relationship with one of the YG family, she got so wrapped up in it that she, and you, caused a scene at a PHOTOSHOOT!" I chuckled lightly. "Yang-goon. You remember that she is only 18, she has much to learn. Also, Maknae instigated the 'relationship' as you call it." He leaned back. "Oh, did he now? And how do you know this?" "Well, my sister and I are VERY close. Which is one of the reasons I came to speak to you. I absolutely CAN NOT work without her NOR with anyone else. Have you not noticed that, aside from that one interruption, we have had everything perfect for you?" He frowned a bit. "And have you not noticed how happy your boys are?" At this he smiled a little. "I have. But I still cannot allow such happenings." Well he wants to play hard ball, eh?

"Well, Yang-Goon-shii. You leave me no choice. I thank you for the opportunity to have worked with you and Big Bang, and I appreciate you putting up with us. BUT I cannot work without my sister, nor can I send her back to California by herself. I hereby resign." I threw him the schedule book. "Here, in it is Big Bang's past schedule and the schedule for the next 2 weeks. Everything including photo shoots and TV appearances." He looked shocked. "I hope we didn't cause you TOO much trouble. "Annyeonghi gyeseyo."


I came back up the elevator, and the first thing I saw was GD sitting outside our door. "Hey, I was wai- What the hell are you wearing!" He was licking his lips. "Mm, you look like chocolate. "I TOLD YOU SO!" came from inside our apartment. I was in no mood. "Not now, Ji-Yong." He looked sad. "Whats wrong with you?" "Nothing!" I snapped. "Just go away." I knew I had hurt him with that, so I pecked him on the lips and pushed him towards the elevator. "I get no goodnight?" He joked. I looked at him with sad eyes. "Goodbye, Ji-yong."


"So what happened?" Dezi asked me. I pursed my lips, unsure how to respond. "Well," I began, "I resigned."
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AAAAAAAAAAAND CUT! Woooah, pretty intense, eh? ^_^ Kiwi LOVES COMMENTS.