Status: Active + Collabo


We've been so stupid.

I woke up with a strange feeling in my tummy. The epic barf kind of feeling. I stumbled out of bed, careful not to wake my sister . It had been a week since we got here, and she was avoiding Maknae at all costs. Dez wanted to leave as soon as possible, but I held it off by searching out the hottest underground clothing shops for our store back home. Dez had nagged me about leaving, so I booked a flight for tomorrow.

I stumbled sleepily to the toilet, trying to think if I had something that didn't agree with me. No, I only ate ramen today, and ramen NEVER made me sick. Too much Alcohol? No..I didn't drink today. I only drank on special occasions. Leaning over the bowl, I emptied the contents of my stomach. It was disgusting. I HATE throwing up. With a passion.

When I was finished; I spit, and brushed my teeth REALLY REALLY REAAALLY good. Puke was not something I wanted to taste at..what time was it? I shuffled out of the bathroom and looked at the bedside clock. Fuckin' 6:42 in the morning! Dezi rolled over and snorted. "What did you eat? You were upchucking like a- OW!" I had flopped down on her arm. "Shut up and go back to sleep." I grumbled. She rolled back over. "Geez, you're acting like a pregnant lady." I opened my eyes and stared into the darkness. "Shit."

I was awakened by my little sister, who threw something at me. "What the fuck, Desiree." I mumbled, still tired. My body wouldn't allow me to get up, nor turn over. I was seconds away from sleep-talking. "Well I'm leaving again. I gotta get some stuff I want to take back to Cali." "Mmhmbye." I was so tired and I didn't even know why. It was usually me that was awake and out. I heard the door close. Curiousity got the best of my tiredness, and I turned to look and what she had thrown at me.

A pregnancy test.

Holy shit.


I took the test, then put the stick face down. I wanted to shower and get dressed before I even PEEKED at it. I didn't want to face it, but I had to. Not only the fact that I had sex with a billion dollar Korean rapper, but the fact that we totally, like stupid teenagers, didn't use protection. I mentally slapped myself for that. I was usually more careful. Shit. Its all that damn dragon's fault. Him and his stupid cute smile and his stupid beautiful eyes...

I stepped out the shower, eyeing the test. I turned away and went to the small closet. It was chilly in September, so I put on a big white sweater with a glittery red heart in the middle, black skinny jeans, and mismatched Converse.


I took a deep breath and went to the bathroom. I picked up the test and closed my eyes. Please be negative, Please be negative.

Luck was not with me today. A bright blue POSITIVE flashed at me. Shit.


I heard the door open and close, and my sister called out for me. I walked out of the bathroom, tears in my eyes. "How did you know?" I asked her. She looked at me with a 'duh' face. "I'm your sister." I looked down. "Its positive. "Holy shitake! I'm gonna be an aunt!" I looked up at her. "Shut up, Desiree. This is serious shit. I can't afford a baby!" I sat down hard on the couch, and hugged my knees. "Um hello, the father is a million dollar star..I'm sure he'll take care of his child." I was so close to crying. "This isn't about him..we have responsibilites in LA, he has responsibilities here in Korea..can't you see the conflict?" Dezi sat next to me, and copied my knee-hugging gesture. "I'm sure we'll be able to work something out. You know he loves you, right?" I smiled at that. "Yeah..but its gonna be hard. And I don't even wanna THINK about the press that this will generate." Dezi sat, thoughtful. Then she spoke. "Did you know you're wearing mismatched shoes?" I smacked her lightly upside the head. "Shut up."

Dez laughed. "Lets go see them." I sighed and got up. "Yeah, I guess he'll have to find out sometime."
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