Welcome To Paradise

Disappearing Boy

"Mr Armstrong! Will you please remove your feet from the table?" barked a middle aged woman standing at the front of the room.

Her glasses were resting on the tip of her nose and fractious look was spread across her stout face. A barely audible grunt was heard from the back-right corner and a black-haired, teenage boy moved his converse-covered feet off of the desk, placing them on an empty stool instead. A smug grin spread across his face, as sniggers were exchanged around the class. He momentarily looked at two other boys and a girl around his age, who were laughing the hardest and winked.

"GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM AT ONCE!" Shrieked the lady, going slightly red in the face.

Moments later the boy got out of his wooden chair and made his way towards the door.

"Geez Miss, time of the month is it?"he remarked, before darting out of the class.

He heard more cackles as he made his way down the small corridor. ‘Just another day in Pinole Valley.’ He muttered, simply walking past the school office and out of the building. As soon as he was past the gates, he took a misshaped box out of his worn, leather jacket pocket, pulled out a white stick and put it between his lips. He was searching around in his jean pockets, when he was joined by the two boys from his class.

A tall, scrawny, blonde boy laughed. He was holding out a lighter. A tall girl with light-brown hair appeared from behind this boy.

"Hey Bill" she beamed. "Hey Marissa, did you enjoy the performance?"The black haired boy chuckled and grabbed the lighter off of his friend, sparking up his cigarette.

"Nice show in there Billie Joe"’ "Thanks Mike, one of my best if I don’t say so myself! So how did you and Tré get out of the old bag’s lesson?" Mike laughed again and explained how their friend Tré had made up an excuse about being pregnant.

Billie sniggered at his friend’s imagination. "Speaking of Tré, where is he?!" Mike questioned, looking around for any sign of their brown-haired pal. Billie spotted him trying to climb a tree, but failing miserably. "God, what’s the jerk doing this time?"

A few hours later they where back at Billie’s house, sitting on a ripped sofa in the basement. Billie had stolen a pack of beers from his step-dad and the teenagers were going through a new song they had written. Marissa was sitting behind Tré’s drum kit, attempting to put a rhythm together. Tré pranced over to her, effortlessly picking her up and dumping her on the floor, returning to his familiar seat behind the kit. The boy’s were in a band, Green Day. The name had come around from a time when the boys and some of their friends skipped school to get stoned. They spent the whole day smoking, therefore Green-day. Billie was the guitarist and singer, Mike played bass and Tré was on drums. Marissa worked on getting them some venues to play at.

They had gotten a gig slot at a local club, 924 Gilman Street, for tomorrow night and had been bunking school to write more material for their set. Basically everyone in the town knew about them and they had gathered a few fans, let alone a bunch of groupies. "Pass us another beer BJ mate!" asked Mike, reaching his thin hand out. "And me, old Billie boy!" Added Tré quickly, smiling cheerfully.


"What about this one?" asked a slim, black-haired girl.

Her friend made a snorting sound and nodded her head in agreement. They were in ‘Hot Topic’ trying on outfits for a gig they we’re going to the next night. The second friend picked her way through the racks, her long, dyed red hair, hanging in front of her face. The first girl grabbed a pair of bright pink, leopard print, skinny jeans and held them up.

"Oh My God! Emily, you have to try these on!" She grabbed the red-haired girl by the hand and dragged her towards the changing room.

Emily laughed at her best friends enthusiasm and snatched a "Ramones" t-shirt swiftly. Minutes later she emerged, wearing the jeans and the t-shirt.

"I don’t know Lizzie, they’re a bit bright and I look like a whale!" Lizzie pulled a shocked face. "Oh My God Em, you look gorgeous! Your legs look perfect! You HAVE to get them." Emily figured she wouldn’t take no for an answer and stumbled back into the changing room to get changed.

When she re-appeared, Lizzie had 2 skirts, and t-shirt and a pair of jeans in her hands. She smiled broadly and Emily giggled. They paid for their items and made their way to the music shop.

"I need some new strings!" Emily exclaimed.

After a few hours they decided to head home. Lizzie had dragged Emily out of the music store as she was going to buy another guitar.

"So what band are we gunna see tomorrow?" Asked Emily, sweeping her fringe from her eyes and getting her car keys out of her pocket.

"Green Day! Mike is so fit!" Lizzie said, drifting into a daydream. "Oh, and there’s one you might like too!" Emily smiled, hoping this someone would turn out to be nice.