Welcome To Paradise


Chapter 2 - Chump
The next night soon came and the two girls were getting ready at Lizzie’s.

"Emily! You actually look gorgeous! "

Emily blushed and looked at the floor. She was wearing the new skinny jeans she had brought and her fading black ‘The Clash’ t-shirt, along with a pair of white heels. Lizzie went back to curling her jet-black hair, she had decided on a layered black skirt with blue tights, her favourite white, skully vest top and a cute blue cardigan.

"Shit! It’s 8 already! " Lizzie yelled, jumping up from the mirror and switching off the curling tongs.

Emily was smudging her black eyeliner, when Lizzie grabbed her arm and started to pull her towards the door.

"Whaa?! Lizzie its 8! You said it didn’t start till half past. " ‘It doesn’t, but I wanna get a good view of Mike!’ Emily giggled and snatched her keys off the table.

"C’mon then. " The girls got into Emily’s car and headed towards town.

"So you excited about meeting Billie? " Lizzie asked, giving Emily the sarcastic look.

"Billie? "

"Yeah that guy I told you about. "

"Oh, well you never really told me about him, I mean, what’s he look like? " Lizzie sighed and thought for a moment.

"Umm, he’s a bit taller then you, still tiny though! " She laughed as Emily pulled an offended face.

"Black hair, green eyes. He’s cute. He plays guitar too and sings!" Lizzie grinned; she knew her best friend had a thing for guy that played guitar. Emily smiled and thought about Billie. She’d never meet him, but she felt like she knew him.

The girls pulled up next to a run down building. The music was audible from outside the club and a small queue was starting to form outside the entrance. Emily drove further up the road and turned into an abandoned car park behind the club. Turning off the engine, she checked her hair in the mirror and gave a nervous smile to her friend.

"Em, there’s nothing to be nervous about. I’m gunna make sure we meet them! " She beamed, re-applying her lip-gloss. They got out of the car and made their way to the queue.

"C’mon Tré! We’re late! " Mike yelled, as Billie double-checked they had all the equipment. Seconds later Tré sprinted down the stairs, tripping on the last one and falling on his face. Mike and Billie burst out laughing as Tré jumped up, acting like nothing happened. He bounded out of the door and jumped into the van, honking the horn.

"God guys! I’ve been waiting ages for you! "He smirked.

The guys arrived at the venue minutes later. "Right, I’ll take the guitars and let ‘em know were here, Mike you park up and Tré start unloading. "

Billie jumped out the van, grabbing his guitar and Mike’s bass. He tapped the side of the van, to let Mike know he could go and started off down the street, towards the club. He smiled when he saw a small queue outside. He had spoken to a few people, when he spotted someone he hadn’t seen before. He glanced again at the girl, she had shoulder length, dyed red hair, with a fringe. She was the same height as him, but she was wearing heels. He looked up her body, it was perfect. She was flawless. She took a drag on the cigarette that was wedged between her rose lips, glimpsed up and caught his eyes on her, with a brief smile, she turned back to her friend. Billie felt knots in his stomach; he couldn’t stop staring at this girl.

"There you are Bill! " ike grabbed friends shoulder.

Billie turned to face him. "Yeah, sorry. I, uhh, got caught up. " Mike laughed at this excuse.

"The red-head yeah? " Mike asked, looking at the girl’s. Billie silently nodded, still caught up in the beauty of her.

"She’s pretty, but I prefer her mate to be honest, " Mike laughed "now lets get inside. " Billie followed his friend inside.


As soon as they reached the queue, Emily fumbled around in her jean pockets for her cigarettes. Lizzie rolled her eyes as Emily lit up.

"You’re killing yourself, you know. " She said, sounding like her mum. Emily just shrugged. More and more people joined the line as the sun started to go down. Lizzie seemed to recognise a girl around their age and called her over. She was shorter then Lizzie and had bright purple hair.

"Hi, I’m Amy, nice to meet you, " The girl said "I love your hair! " my said, holding up the beer bottle she had in her grasp and pointing to Emily’s hair.

It was quite obvious that that wasn’t her first beer. Lizzie chuckled at her friend and they started to catch up. Emily shifted her feet uneasily, she could feel someone’s gaze upon her. She looked up, whilst taking in some of the smoke and saw a boy looking at her. His messy black hair was hanging down over his forehead. Emily smiled quickly, turned back to Lizzie and Amy, acting as if she was listening.

"So..yeah! Ahhh, they’re letting people in! " Lizzie screamed. Amy dropped her beer bottle, as Lizzie grabbed both girls’ arms.

"Here we go. " She giggles to Emily. Lizzie had been describing Mike to Amy.
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Sorry it took so long :(
I feel really bad, but I had exams and christmas didn't really help!
I will definatly write more this weekend (: