Status: Up and Running

Just Another Life Story


Mood: Pissed

Okay so, today I had a therapist appointment. I wish I could say it was tolerable... But it wasn't!

I ended up telling her that I'm bisexual. And you know how she reacted? Silence, her face read off that she was uncomfortable. i was thinking 'What the fucking hell! Really, can no one accept it??' so that wasn't pleasant at all... just because of that.

I know... I'm crazy

So I've been in a crappy mood, because Josh is sort of ignoring me... I have no idea why... It makes my worrying go over board... What did I do? Maybe I did nothing... Maybe I shouldn't have told him about my worries, now I'm afraid that I'll get hurt by him just like Emmy said... What if she's right? What if he breaks me?? I don't know what to do...

On a more positive note, Jimmy doesn't want to be called Jimmy anymore, he wants to be called James. So that's how I will refer to him for now on...

I've decided that Emmy, Joe, and that group of "friends" aren't really good friends, they insult me, hurt me, and I can't handle it any more... So, I'm going to repair my friendship with Chelsey and stay friends with Sydnee and Morgan. My REAL friends who don't end up hurting me...

Hopefully it won't hurt me, and it's the right choice...