Status: Up and Running

Just Another Life Story


Mood: Depressed

So today I had half my finals. Tomorrow I have my Biology and French final so hopefully it will go okay. I need to make up a bunch of stuff for my computer class still. I've been stressed out and I'm not really sure why.

Well first depressing thing. So as I've mentioned a few times I really like James... And well his sister hooked us up... But only for me to be dumped a few days later... I had a panic attack from that, A FREAKING PANIC ATTACK!! From being dumped! How much more fragile can I be!

Then my friends are getting annoyed at how forgiving and accepting I am of people... I wish I wasn't like this though... It causes me so much pain. And I can't handle the pain anymore... It's breaking me apart. I wish I was different.

I can't sleep. Eating makes me puke... I'm falling apart.


I'm just another broken child, turn your head and sigh...