Status: Ouchers.

Save Me


And he stood in the yellow glow of the lights and searched his eyes. He was looking for something- he didn’t know what. All he knew was that it wasn’t there. With a dissatisfied grimace, he pressed the orange bottle tight to his lips and squeezed his eyes shut, not knowing what he would find when he would open them again- or if he ever would again. He felt himself slip below the floor and spin into walls that he couldn’t differentiate to be black or white, bashing in his head till he was sure he was gone, but not really gone. Because the pain was still there and that was the only reminder left of life. Pain and the calm bottles that rested on the slippery edges of the sink.

There was nothing after that. Nothing left till the alarm would ring and rip him from the land of the black- white walls.
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That's the prologue. :)