Status: A little something, something

Flirting With the Wind

Part 14

“Pregnant?” Hugo stutters out looking at me rather shocked.
“I sent you that letter, my uncle made it high priority to get it to you, you had to have known, you had to,” I ramble wide eyed.
“We have a child, where are they, is it a boy or girl?” Hugo questions looking around and stepped towards me taking both my hands in his. This time I stepped away from him focusing my attention on the ground.
“Nicholas his name was Nicholas,” I say softly.
“Where is he?” he asks.
“Please stop I can’t relive this I just can’t,” I exclaim.
“Mira,” Hugo says touching the side of my face but the anger and pain built up inside of me and I smacked his hand away.
“Keep your fucking hands off me, I don’t need you to console me,” I order coldly.
“Just tell me what happened,” he pleads.

“You fucking left to fight and they came months later to kill my uncle and family for treason, Will and I got away for only a couple days then they ambushed us killing Will right before my eyes. Took me to fucking Hellstrom where he forced me to France, put me in a fucking cage like a damn animal, treated me like scum of the earth whilst I had to plead that he would not hurt my unborn child, I had to do unspeakable things to be fed and to avoid being hit in the stomach, disgusting things! "

"And in the end it didn’t fucking matter it didn’t matter everything I went through because my baby was born a lifeless corpse never to open his eyes nothing! And do you know who came to take me away from that monster? Do you know who fucking sought me out?!” I exclaim as I shook with anger.
“Mira please,” Hugo says desperately.

“It sure as hell wasn’t you! Not Hugo Stiglitz oh no I had to be rescued by the fucking Jew Hunter who only wanted me to himself! I was passed around like a fucking toy! Don’t you fucking say please or sorry I don’t care anymore, I am done!” I growl. I turned on my heel and left Hugo standing there looking defeated and hurt.

I got to the room and shut the door behind me leaning against it with a heavy sigh. It was hard for me to breathe and the past nightmares of my life flooded my mind. Visions of seeing the Gestapo soldiers killing my Uncle Frederick and family mercilessly and the months I spent being held hostage by Major Hellstrom eventually being discovered beaten and ill by Colonel Landa whom demanded to hand me over to him like I was some sort of toy.

Tears sprung from my eyes as I tried to steady my breathing. I hated those men, I hated them so much and I hated that Hugo never came back after all I had given up to keep my promise to wait for him. But I had to keep telling myself it was all in the past, that I had to move forward with my miserable life. Lying down on the bed after taking off my belt of knives I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to remember anything that happened. To think early this morning I thought I had forgotten the past now it had come back to haunt me.

“I knew you were a filthy whore, look at yourself, you’re pathetic,” Hellstrom laughs shoving me away after he finished ravaging my body for the past half hour. I felt disgusted with myself, as I tried to scrounge up what dignity I had left. As much as I wanted to fight back, I could not; I had to think of the child growing inside my womb. I was bruised and broken when Hellstrom dragged me onto my feet by the hair on my head. He had his pants on again and he brought his other hand back to smack me hard right across the face.

“Major Hellstrom,” a stern voice says. Hellstrom let go of my hair and I dropped to my knees as he saluted the person behind me.
“Colonel Landa,” Hellstrom responds.
“I’m taking the woman, you are dismissed,” Colonel Landa announces. Hellstrom looked like he wanted to say something but he didn’t just gave one last look of malice at me then left. I didn’t know what was going to happen but then I felt the sharp pain in my womb causing gasps of pain emanate from my lips.
“Dear god,” Landa says sounding shocked. I lifted my gaze, looking at Colonel Landa with tear filled eyes.
“Please help my baby,” I cry clutching my womb as the contractions brought incredible pain to my already weak body. The pain was unimaginable and I felt like something was terribly wrong. Everything was a blur as Landa’s men carried me into the vehicle to get me to the hospital.

I was screaming saying that it was a month too soon for the baby to come as gripped tightly on anything that my hands came in contact with. The nurses and doctors all were trying their best but it didn’t help. No matter how much I pushed, no matter how much I fought to survive it all fell short when that last and final push unveiled my baby boy.

My baby didn’t come out bright and full of life; no cries came from his beautifully perfect mouth; his tiny pale hands never to move or learn to play baseball like his mama. My baby was dead.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face, I felt so empty and cold, like I was a dangerous black hole of despair. My silent sobs and loneliness made it worse. Everything felt so meaningless and void of any hope. What kind of world did we live in with such pain? No mother should lose their child.

“Please God if you have any heart, take away this pain, let me be with my baby that you took from me, please I’m begging you give me peace,” I cry softly as clenched my eyelids shut wanting nothing more than death. Even with shut eyes the tears still escaped the confines of my eyelids. In my moment of pure desolation I felt warmth for the first time in my life just as my own sobs lulled me back to sleep.
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This chapter made me quite sad and I admit to crying, because well for some reason this sort of subject gets me all emotional. Anyways hope you all enjoyed, I know yall are hoping for things to get better, but I can't promise anything. Thanks for reading :)