Status: Active/To Be Updated .x.

My One and Only

Chapter Two

As Edward spoke my name, I didn’t’ want to be here, I didn’t want to be in the same room as him. He has brought me too much misery and pain to last for a lifetime, I didn’t want to see him ever again. But fate didn’t listen and here in my eyes is the presence of Edward Cullen himself. Even though, he hurt me 1,000 times over. I stupidly was still in love with him, despite all the emotions that this soul-less monster had put me though, I will still in love with him. But I knew I had to let that go, I had to let go the love I had for him. So he couldn’t hurt me again, emotionally.

I let go of Alec’s hand and ran out of the throne room, I couldn’t stomach it, I couldn’t bear to see Edward again. He has caused me too much pain and misery to last for a lifetime. See everyone had a past, present and future and Edward Cullen took part in my past, which was unforgettable and emotional past for me. I was stupidly still in love with him, the soul-less monster that cause me pain, emotionally and verbally and I was still stupidly in love with him. He decided to bring that lowlife bitch with him, so I couldn’t take it, I ran. He didn’t love me anymore.

My tears blurred my eye sight, so I stopped and sank down the wall in the passageway, my sobs echoed throughout the whole castle, I couldn’t help it, I just wanted to release all these negative feelings, I knew Edward didn’t love anymore and there was nothing I could do about it. The memories flow though my head, like a river ripples run down. I sobbed even more, when the image of our wedding about to take place, but Edward stood me up, left me on the aisle by myself. I brought my legs up to my chest and sobbed uncontrollably.

I felt someone pick me up, in bridal style, I buried my head in the person chest and gripped on tightly. I knew it was Alec because of his lovely sweet-smelling scent. I found myself, being laid on my bed. I didn’t let go of Alec, so he took the gesture that I wanted him to stay with me. He laid against my headboard of my bed and I sobbed unevenly in his chest, giving out staggered breaths. He stroked my hair, “Mel, it will be okay.” He cooed. “I could kill him for what he did to you.” He actually could, right now I wished he did kill Edward, I hate him with all my guts.

“Why would he do that, to a beautiful girl like you?” I sniffed, hold on did he just call me beautiful? He lifted my chin, he wiped my tears with his thumb and moved a stand of hair behind my ear. Something suddenly took me over, and I leaned in and crushed my lips against his, I didn’t feel him kiss back so, I pulled away. “Alec, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have….” He kissed me, not allowing me to finish my sentence. Twice as passionate as mine, I sank my head in my pillow, and pulled Alec on top of me, our lips never departed. They moved in perfect sync. I need a breath so I pulled away breathlessly.

Alec obviously got bored and began to kiss down my neck, “Now, have you got something to be sorry about?” He said between kisses. I breathed unevenly, I shook my head and gasped out “No.” As Alec grazed his teeth lightly on my neck. Oh gosh, this boy was taking my breath away and it wasn’t going to come back any time soon, he un-done the belt to my robe, revealing my little tank top. His hands found their way up my top, exploring certain places, ok now he was provoking me. I moaned out his name softly.

I sat up with him still kissing my neck. “I …think..we…should...get…back.” I breathed out , Alec groaned. “Do we have to?” Clearly my sadness went away. “Yes I think we should.” He grazed his teeth in my neck again. I groaned “Alec, stop it we have to get back!” He surrendered. “Fine.” He got of me quickly and we went back to the throne room.

Edward was still there, an idea sprang into my head. As me and Alec re-entered the throne room and took our usual places, I fixed my tank top, so it was straight again and rushed to fix the belt of my robe, to make it look like we did something. I saw Edward’s gaze turn to me, I was sending him false telepathic thoughts, because I knew he would read my mind anyways. I sent him telepathic thoughts about, well you know. I don’t have to explain. I knew it would be very disturbing for him, I gripped onto Alec’s hand again and Edward was squirming over my thoughts, I smiled cheekily.

Now I felt that Alec was the one.