Angel Of Joy

Second of Second

Despite the serious conversation we were having, jealousy sparked inside me. “And that's why you fell? Because you fell in love?” My voice was rising slowly but surely, and I could do nothing to stop the anger showing through it.

Camael nodded. “So they kicked me out.”

“Who kicked you out?”

He shook his head, ignoring my question. “Why would they kick you out for falling in love?”

“She is a human. The law forbid it.”

Is. My mind spun around that word, refusing to think of anything else. “Who is she?”

He looked at me then, turning his head so quick that his usually tamed golden hair flew forward, laying dishevelled over his forehead. “You don't know?”

I shook my head, causing my own hair to fly. My eyes were suddenly holding too much liquid, and it fell in small drops from them. Camael wiped them away, rubbing his thumbs over my cheeks. “You silly, silly girl,” he said, affection showing through clearly in his voice. He smiled as he kissed my cheeks, and then my lips. “You really don't know, do you?”

“No!” I screamed at him. “So tell me, Camael!” My voice faltered at his ever-constant smile.

“It's you, Darling! I fell in love with you!”

My first thought was something resembling Yay! But the thing that came out of my mouth was, “I am so, so sorry.”

Camael's smile died right then and there, and he stared at me, no words escaping his slightly parted lips. He finally managed to talk. “Why would you say that? Why?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, but my voice still came out dry and scratchy when I spoke. “Because therefore, it's my fault.”

“No. No, no, no, no, no. Never say that!” He absent-mindedly brushed the hair back from his forehead. “It was all worth it! I never thought otherwise, and you mustn't either!”

I nodded, because really, there was nothing else to do. Camael, sensing my confusion, pulled me onto his lap and kissed my hair.

“You smell wonderful, you know?” He whispered. A smile played around my mouth as he kissed my forehead, and then my nose, cheeks, and lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, finding strength in his embrace.

“I love you,” I mumbled against his lips.

“I love you, also,” Camael said against mine.

“Why? Why, Camael, do you love me?”

He pulled away, so that his lips were an inch from mine, before explaining. “A few reasons,”
He mocked. “One; you're absolutely gorgeous in your... gorgeousness. Two; you are the most caring, happy, perfect person I have ever met. And third; You are beautiful. Like, really beautiful. Deep down in your core.” He touched my heart. “I can feel it.”

Smiling widely, I kissed him softly and sweetly for a minute before pulling away. He stared at me, frowning, and I chuckled and rubbed my thumb over the crease between his eyebrows, just like he had done to me.

He smiled at me and asked, “What is it? You must always know you are worth it, no matter what.”

I shook my head. “That's not it.”

“Than what is?”

“You never answered my question.” Camael brushed my hair behind my ear before asking me to continue.

“Are you an Angel, or not?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I hope you enjoyed that.

Wish me luck!