‹ Prequel: Casualties
Sequel: Illicit Paramour

Go Around


It was Friday and Audrey had been with Kennedy for five days. Kennedy wished that she could say that she was getting sick of Audrey’s presence, but that was never going to be the case. She loved Audrey and she felt bad that Audrey had chosen to visit her at such a poor time since Kennedy was literally doing nothing but studying for finals. After Audrey’s first day at school with her, Audrey decided that she would just not go to Kennedy’s classes with her, but find something else to do in the surrounding neighborhood. Kennedy wasn’t entirely sure what there was to do in the neighborhood next to her school, but she would let Audrey do whatever made her feel most comfortable. Truth be told, Kennedy was a little surprised that Audrey even still wanted to get up in the morning with her.
When Kennedy got done with her last class of the day, she walked out the doors and saw Audrey leaning up against her car the way Alex and Jack used to before she moved and it made her smile. The only thing that slightly irritated her about seeing Audrey was that she was irritated with the fact that Audrey had sex with Jack after knowing him for two seconds, but Kennedy hadn’t brought it up since the incident because she knew that at the time she would get angry and Audrey would leave, but now seemed like the perfect time to talk about it.
Audrey hopped off Kennedy’s car with a sigh and went to the passenger side of the car and got in.
“Can I ask you a question?” Kennedy asked, sitting back in her seat.
“You know you can,” Audrey said, obviously unaware about what Kennedy wanted to talk to her about.
“Why did you have sex with Jack?” she asked as she stuck her keys in the ignition of her car.
Audrey scoffed, “We didn’t have sex,” Audrey told her, looking out the window at the group that was forming around Alex’s car.
Kennedy was surprised and didn’t bother trying to hide it. “Really? Why for?” she asked as her car roared to life.
“Because I realized that I was doing was completely astronomical and that he’s one of your best friends so I told him to back off and we stopped. I’m actually kind of surprised that it took you this long to ask about it. You stormed out of there so quickly and then just didn’t bring it up again… Not to mention I remember about that bitch Lisa having sex with him and I saw the way that she was looking at him so I just kind of wanted to stick in her face,” Audrey said and Kennedy laughed.
Kennedy knew that Audrey could be harsh most of the time, but she cared about Kennedy and that was the only thing that mattered. She didn’t treat Kennedy the way she treated other people and usually Kennedy joined in on making fun of people because it was something that both Audrey and Kennedy were very gifted at, but Kennedy didn’t want to do that with her friends around. She didn’t want them to see that side of her because, even though Jack and Alex had known Kennedy for a long time, they’d never seen her be a snooty bitch and she planned on keeping it that way.
Kennedy pulled out of the parking spot and sped out of the parking lot without even glancing at Alex.
“I got a gift for you,” Audrey announced on their drive home.
“Oh?” Kennedy asked as Audrey reached into the back seat to grab her purse. She shuffled though it until she found whatever it was she was looking for.
“Here you go,” Audrey held out her hands and in them sat an unopened back of cigarettes and Kennedy laughed. “I figured that after your first smoke the other day you wouldn’t go back to not smoking anymore so I decided to buy you your own pack so you won’t suck mine down,” Audrey informed her and Kennedy took the pack gratefully in her hands.
“Thank you very much, my dear,” Kennedy said and Audrey chuckled.
“You’re very welcome,” Audrey said and slouched down further in her seat. “Sorry for being a bitch to your friends,” Audrey said out of the blue as Kennedy pulled up in front of her house.
Kennedy gave her a confused look, “Where did that come from?” she asked and turned her car off.
“Well, I was just reliving the conversation back in my head and when Lisa didn’t know who Dolce and Gabbana was I kind of made her feel like shit, so I’m sorry,” Audrey said as they got out of the car.
Kennedy laughed. “It’s fine. I actually expected much worse,” Kennedy confided in her and it was now Audrey’s turn to laugh.
The minute Kennedy shut the door behind her and Audrey her cell phone started ringing. Kennedy searched frantically until she found it and the caller ID read: Alex. She smiled to herself and flipped open her phone. “Hello?” she asked as she bit her bottom lip.
“Hey,” Alex said from the other line and it made her heart flutter.
“What’s up?” she asked as Audrey mouthed ‘who is it?’ to Kennedy and she mouthed back ‘it’s Alex’ and Audrey nodded knowingly.
“Nothing, I’m just hanging out with Lisa,” he told her and her heart sank.
“Oh,” was all she was able to say and Audrey bit her bottom lip. She knew that Kennedy was in love with Alex but all he was doing was hurting her unnecessarily and he didn’t even care. It made Audrey want to just snap his little twig like neck.
“Well, there’s a party tonight and we were wondering if you wanted to go with us?” Alex asked and Kennedy gave herself a halfhearted smile for Audrey’s sake.
“Yeah, I think Audrey and I are up for a party,” Kennedy said and Audrey’s eyes widened as she nodded up and down.
“Sweet, do you want me to pick you up…?” Alex’s voice trailed off and Kennedy picked up on what he was asking. Did she want him to pick her up so they could have a quickie in the back of his car before going to the party? On another other day she would say yes, but then Audrey would be forced to ride with Lisa and it made it all just really complicated.
“No, Audrey and I will drive ourselves. Where’s it at?” she asked because she wanted to get off the subject as soon as possible.
“Hold on a second,” he said to Kennedy and then said something to Lisa in hushed tones before turning back to the phone to talk to Kennedy. “Okay, I’m alone,” he whispered to her.
“Okay, it’s not like we’re going to have phone sex,” Kennedy said and he chuckled.
“I know, I just wanted to tell you that not being able to have sex with you this week has been killing me. I just can’t keep thinking about you and sex with Lisa is just mediocre and I just miss you so much,” he whispered into the phone and at the last part he sounded a little exhausted.
She smiled to herself. “I understand,” was all she said because she didn’t want to tip Audrey off on what they were talking about even though Audrey already had a pretty good idea.
“When does she leave?” he asked and laughed at the same time and it made her smile because he sounded so adorable over the phone.
“Another week,” she told him and now Audrey definitely knew what they were talking about because she raised an eyebrow at Kennedy.
“I can’t wait that long, Kenne,” Alex told her and she bit her bottom lip.
“Sorry?” she said, but it came out more like a question and it made him give out a low chuckle again and it sent her heart thumping.
He let out a sigh, “It’s fine, I guess,” he said pretending to be exasperated with her.
“So where’s the party?” she asked again.
“Where else would it be? It’s at Kyle’s,” Alex said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Not another beach party?” she teased because she definitely didn’t want to go to one of those again.
He laughed. “No, not another beach party,” he told her.
“Alright, I’ll see you around the regular time,” she told him.
“Why so late?” he asked.
“You’ll live. It’s good to miss me, you’ll realize what a great thing you have,” she told him.
“Yeah, but I already knew that,” he tried to convince her and she laughed.
“No you didn’t. You’ve definitely taken me for granted,” she told him.
“Fine, whatever,” he said sounding like a five year old and she shook her head.
“I’ll see you later,” she told him.
“Bye,” he said reluctantly and she hung up her phone.
“We’re going to a party tonight!” Kennedy announced to Audrey who jumped up in the air.
“And I was beginning to think that these Maryland kids didn’t know how to party,” Audrey said playfully.
“Not to your New Yorker standards, but I think they do a pretty decent job,” Kennedy told her and Audrey rolled her eyes.
“Please, you’re telling me that after going to some of the most high end clubs that people wait in line for six hours to get into that the little school parties here are just as good?” Audrey said and sounded disbelieving.
To Kennedy, it wasn’t that the parties were better; it was more about the company. When she went to the high end clubs that Audrey was talking about they were always filled with 30 something year olds and Kennedy felt like she wasn’t really grasping the teenage life because she’d had so many privileges while she was in New York. But in Maryland, the company was way better, the people were lively and experiencing everything there was to experience in life – that’s what made the parties better, but she could never explain that to Audrey because she would never understand.
“Not exactly,” was what Kennedy said, “but to some extent, yes,” she finished and looked at her clock. It was almost four o’clock and came to Kennedy’s attention that they had five hours until they had to leave the house. It took Audrey about that long to get ready because Audrey usually went all out, but Kennedy did not. It didn’t take her that long to shower to pick out what she was wearing because, even though she was high maintenance, she wasn’t as high maintenance as Audrey.
Audrey let out a sigh and shook her head. She walked into Kennedy’s kitchen and started rummaging through her fridge. “Are you aware the all the food you has has at least 100 calories? God, it’s no wonder you’ve put on so much weight,” Audrey yelled from the kitchen then slammed the fridge door closed.
Kennedy bit her lip and looked down at her body. She had noticed that her thighs were starting to fill in a little more and that you could no longer see the light all the way through them, but Alex had always said he liked her with a little meat on her bones, but it made Kennedy feel disgusting. Right above her waist was starting to get a little pudgy as well, it had an almost roll – but she was still skinnier than Lisa and that was all that mattered to her at that point.
“We should stop by a Starbucks on our way to the party because liquid calories are the only way to lose weight,” Audrey told her as she walked into the living room where Kennedy was standing.
“Yeah, absolutely,” Kennedy agreed.
With the comment that Audrey had made, it made Kennedy want to lose the extra weight that she’d put on because she missed being able to fit into her favorite size one jeans – Alex be damned. It was her body and if Alex didn’t like it than that was his problem.
“We should probably start getting ready, huh?” Audrey asked, shoving her hands in her back pocket and Kennedy laughed.
“You can start getting ready, but I think I’ll study a little bit first. My finals are next week,” Kennedy reminded her and Audrey nodded knowingly.
“Alright, but I will need you when I need to plan what to wear,” Audrey warned and Kennedy smiled and nodded at her.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Kennedy said and it made Audrey smile. Audrey ran up the stairs and to Kennedy’s bathroom. Kennedy let out a sigh and flopped down on her couch and opened her Spanish text book to quiz herself on all the different conjugations of the verbs they’d just learned.
It felt like only a few minutes had passed when Audrey ran down the stairs in a too-big-for-her-sweater and a pair of undies, but it had indeed been a few hours and it was now six thirty. Kennedy had two and a half hours to get ready and Audrey had come down to get her. They bounded up the stairs together and Kennedy took a quick shower and let her hair dry naturally because she knew that Alex loved her natural, thick, ringlet’s.
She put on simple black and silver eye shadow and a little bit of bronzer and blush on her high cheek bones, but even by the time she was all done with that it was only eight fifteen.
“What should I wear?” Kennedy asked as she sat down on her bed in a matching ensemble to Audrey’s.
“Definitely go for the vintage lingerie,” Audrey advised as she flipped through her own suitcase.
Kennedy raised an eyebrow at Audrey, “Okay, we’re in the suburbs of Maryland, not downtown of New York,” Kennedy reminded her and Audrey shot her a look.
“That doesn’t mean that you can’t still look good,” Audrey retorted.
“You can look good without wearing lingerie,” Kennedy said.
“Not as good. All I’m saying is that a party’s a party and I don’t think the company should change that. You can wear whatever you want and just blend in with the crowd, but I am going to wear something sexy,” Audrey told her as she held up an extremely hot pink baby doll. The boobs of it were fully clothes, but after it got away from the bust, then it became pure lace and it fell maybe two inches below Audrey’s ass. “No bra,” Audrey said to herself as she inspected the number. Audrey shed her sweater and was now completely naked except for her white undies. She put on the baby doll and then decided that a pair of red boy shorts would work best and slid that on underneath the outfit. “How do I look?” Audrey asked as she turned around and shook her out her straight blonde hair.
Kennedy smiled, “You look good, as always,” Kennedy complimented her and Audrey smiled and let out a little giggle.
Kennedy let out a sigh and she flipped through her closet. Nothing was calling her name and she looked down and spotted a black shirt that was lying on her floor. She was confused because she never just threw her clothes on the ground and she bent down to pick it up. It didn’t look familiar to her until she spread the whole thing out on her bed. She let out a little gasp. It was one of Alex’s dress shirts, his only black one. She had no indication of remembering him ever wearing it at her house, but she thought that it was absolutely perfect.
Kennedy walked over to her dresser and shuffled through her bra drawer until she found her hot pink lacy bra that looked extremely familiar in the sense that it looked almost exactly like what Audrey was wearing and she put it on after taking off her sweater. She grabbed Alex’s dress shirt and put it on and it was surprisingly longer than a lot of her other dresses. It fell about four inches below her butt and she walked back over to her dresser and grabbed a pair of thigh high, black panty hose and a hot pink garter belt that went with her bra and put it on. She grabbed her favorite pair of peep toe booties and she turned to Audrey, “How do I look?” she asked and did a modelesque pose and Audrey laughed.
“You look spectacular,” she mused and they started laughing together.
“Shall we go?” Kennedy asked as she grabbed her black leather studded purse and walked out the door. Audrey followed her down the stairs and they walked out of the house.
“I’m kind of nervous,” Audrey confided in Kennedy.
“Why?” Kennedy asked, kind of confused as they got in the car and she pulled out of the driveway.
“Because I’m used to stuck up bitches in New York, but here they’re different kind of bitches. They’re just flat out mean and conniving and I just don’t handle that well,” Audrey told her as Kennedy tried to remember exactly where Kyle’s house was.
“Trust me, you can hold your own,” Kennedy told her and Audrey laughed.
“That I can,” Audrey said more to herself than to Kennedy.
Finally Kennedy found Kyle’s house and she had to park half way down the street which her feet were not happy at her for making her walk half way down the street to Kyle’s house in four and a half inch heels. They made it to the house and Audrey was standing right next to Kennedy. They made their way through the crowd and they were continuously getting stared at – either by the boys who looked like they wanted to fuck them or the girls who were envious of them for having such great bodies.
Kennedy finally found Alex and he was with Lisa, Jack, Zack, Rian, and Kara and Kennedy found herself smiling for absolutely no reason. “Geez, you act like you’re a person in love,” Audrey teased and Kennedy hit her softly in the arm.
Kennedy adjusted her clothes to make sure they looked right before heading up to the crowd of her friends. “Hey guys,” she greeted them and every single one of the looked up and over at her and all of their eyeballs were popping out of their head and their jaws were dropped. Not just at Kennedy but Audrey, too.
Audrey and Kennedy exchanged a look.
“What are you wearing?” Alex asked as he stared at her shirt and she smiled.
“What do you mean?” she asked, glancing down at her outfit and deciding to play dumb.
Lisa looked at him in a way that said ‘yeah, what do you mean?’ and Alex let it drop. “Never mind,” he said and sat down on the arm of the couch he was standing in front of.
“You look great, Kenne,” Jack told her and then turned to Audrey, “you do, too.” Jack winked at Audrey and she blushed and finished surveying the room for cute guys.
“So how’s everybody doing?” Kennedy asked and Lisa gave her a nasty look and Kennedy was extremely confused. Kennedy had never pegged Lisa for a bitch but lately, as in after Audrey came; Lisa had been acting more and more like a bitch than she had before. Kennedy wondered if it was just Audrey or if it had something to do with the last party at the beach when Alex had made his choice and chosen Kennedy rather than Lisa.
“I need alcohol,” Audrey announced and Kennedy laughed.
“Me, too,” she agreed and some guy fell against Alex’s back and he jumped up in surprise.
“Sorry dude, do you mind if we sit here. Our friend’s a bit wasted,” a big brawly guy with blonde shaggy hair asked as he laid his friend down on the couch who had clearly passed out. Alex laughed.
“Not at all dude, I totally get it,” Alex said and ushered everybody to move somewhere else. They were near the doorway between the hall and the living room.
“We’ll be right back, we’re going to get something to drink,” Kennedy announced to everybody but only Zack and Jack acknowledged what she said and Kennedy looked down at the ground, defeated.
Kennedy and Audrey made their way to the kitchen and Kennedy did four consecutive shots of tequila and then made herself a lemon drop, which consisted of 6 shots of vodka, 7 ounces of lemon juice, and 12 sugar cubes.
Audrey made herself a rum and coke and as they started walking back Audrey got stopped by a guy who Kennedy had never seen before. He was a little scrawny, but not as scrawny as Alex, and as maybe 6’1” and had short bronze colored hair. “Hey, I’ve never seen you before,” he said to her and he had clearly had a few drinks.
Audrey put on her seductive face, “Hi, I’m Audrey,” she introduced herself.
“Tadd,” the bronze hair colored boy introduced himself.
“Audrey, I’m going to go back, find me later,” Kennedy said because she didn’t want to be there with her best friend while she was getting hit on.
“Alright, see you,” Audrey said as though what Kennedy had said had barely registered on the Audrey scale. Kennedy shook her head and walked down the hall and stopped short at the doorway upon hearing her name by Lisa.
“Do you think she looks good?” Lisa asked and Kennedy wished she knew who she was asking it to.
“I always think Kennedy looks good,” Jack said with a laugh and it made her smile.
“I don’t understand why all the boys are gawking at her. She’s dressed like a prostitute,” Kara said and Kennedy’s self esteem just got shoved down by about twenty points. Kennedy looked at her outfit. She was surprised that it was Kara who was saying that considering Kennedy’s shirt was longer than Kara’s dress.
Lisa laughed and so did Rian and Kennedy’s heartbeat quickened. She still hadn’t heard the opinion of the person who she had dressed this way for.
“I think that she looks gorgeous,” Zack said and Kennedy now remembered why she only used to hang out with guys and why girls sucked and why they hated her.
“Of course you do, you’re a guy and your penis rules your head,” Lisa said.
“That’s true, it does,” Jack agreed. “It’s okay Zack, mine does, too,” Jack joked earning a joke from everyone but the girls.
“What about you?” Lisa asked.
“What about me?” Alex asked.
Lisa let out an exasperated sigh, “Do you think she looks hot and gorgeous like Zack and Jack do?” she asked and it was a trick question, of course. Kennedy knew that; he couldn’t say that she looked good or Lisa would throw a tantrum and made a scene, but he couldn’t really say anything negative about her either or else Jack and Zack would be mad at him.
“I didn’t really pay attention,” was all Alex said.
“Come on, Alex. Even though you’re dating me you’re still a guy, you had to have noticed,” Lisa pried. Kennedy didn’t want to hear the answer but on the other hand she hoped that he would also say that she looked good just to prove to Lisa that Alex was Kennedy’s and no one else’s.
“Fine, you want to know what I think?” Alex asked. “I think she looks gross. She’s dressed like a whore and she’s pretty much asking to get raped by god-knows-who. But, I guess I shouldn’t have expected her to dress any differently, she’s a slut and that’s the only way she knows how to dress,” Alex finished and Kennedy’s heart sank and she felt tears begin to swell in her eyes.
“Dude, that’s harsh,” Jack said in a disapproving tone.
“It’s true,” Lisa defended her boyfriends opinion.
“Stay out of this, Lisa. He’s known her for four years, you’ve known her for a couple months – you don’t know anything about her. No one wants to hear your opinion because you’re an insecure girlfriend,” Jack snapped at her and Kennedy was glad that someone was standing up for her.
“Don’t say that to her,” Alex defended and that was the time that Kennedy couldn’t stand to hear anymore. Kennedy shut her eyes and wiped away the stray tear that found its way down her cheek and she walked away to find Audrey because she was officially ready to leave.
She bumped into somebody, making her spill half her drink on the carpet. “Oh, I’m sorry,” the guy said and Kennedy looked up to see a boy who was around 6’5” and had muscular arms and almost black shaggy hair and bright blue eyes staring down at her and holding her by her arms to keep her steady.
“It’s okay, I should have been watching where I was going,” Kennedy told him.
“Are you okay?” the guy asked her and apparently she sounded worse than she thought.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she told him and swallowed the lump in her throat.
“I’m Mike,” the guy said and stuck his hand out at Kennedy and she gave him one of her shy smiles.
“I’m Kennedy, but you can call me Kenne,” she told him and shook his hand back and he gave her a wide bright smile that made her heart beat quicken in a good way.
“Nice to meet you, Kenne,” he said to her.
Kennedy licked her lips and bit her bottom lip and looked up at him from underneath her eyelashes. “Do you want to go upstairs with me?” she asked and he looked a little surprised at first but the he smiled.
“Sure,” he said and gave her a small nod.
“Good,” she said in a small voice then led the way up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms, from the look of it the parents’ bedroom.
Kennedy sat down on the bed and Mike sat down next to her. “So how come I don’t know you?” she asked.
He gave a little laugh, “Actually, Kyle is my cousin and I’m here visiting him,” he told her.
“Oh really? Where do you live?” she asked.
“I go to college at NYU,” he told her.
She smiled, “Oh wow, I just moved back here a few months ago from New York,” she informed him.
“Really? What a small world,” he said and she laughed.
“So, if you’re in college than how old are you?” she asked. The oldest guy she’d ever had sex with had been 19, but she had been 15 at the time, but every other guy had been her age – or, that’s what they told her, at least.
“I’m 21. I turn 22 in a couple of months,” he told her. “What about you?” he asked and she was pretty sure that he didn’t really want to know.
“I’m 18,” she told him and he nodded.
“It’s weird,” he said and she let out a laugh.
“Why is that weird?” she asked, her mind no longer on Alex.
“Because I’m used to being with girls my age,” he told her.
“You think I brought you up here for sex?” she asked, pretending to be utterly appalled.
His face fell and a look of panic fell over it, “Oh my god, no, I’m so sorry – I just assumed because… well, no one asks to go to a bedroom unless… oh my god, I’m so sorry,” he told her, holding his hands out in apology.
She laughed, “I was messing with you,” she told him, smiling and it took him a minute to realize what she was saying.
He smiled and nodded, “You’re quite mean, you know that?” he asked and he went to grab her but she jumped up and ran around the room, but eventually he grabbed her and threw her down on the bed. He was on top of her and he bit his lip as he looked up and down at her body.
“Can I tell you how dirty I feel for wanting you?” he asked her and she laughed.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind,” she told him as she wrapped her legs around his hips.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, you are only eighteen,” he told her and she could tell that was debating whether or not to change his mind.
The smile fell from her face. “I’m positive that I want to do this and me being eighteen doesn’t matter. I really like you,” she told him and she realized that everything she was saying sounded kind of strange.
“It does to me,” he told her.
“If you want to stop then we can stop, but I would like to continue,” she told him. Truth be told, if they didn’t have sex she’d just go downstairs and find someone else, she just happened to get lucky with this guy.
He smiled. He bent down and kissed her and she smiled back. Smiling and kissing at the same time takes some serious skill because it tends to feel a little awkward. She kissed down his neck and reached down to strip his shirt off and she threw it across the room. She ran her hands up and down his muscular arms and toned chest. Even though she liked Alex’s body, she would always prefer muscular guys like Mike.
“You’re really cute,” Mike told her with a laugh in his voice and she pulled back and smiled.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because you’re molesting my arms and you just look cute,” he told her and she laughed.
“I’m sorry,” she told him and started blushing.
“No, it’s okay. I didn’t point it out for you to stop, I was just observing,” he told her. She tried to go back to kissing him, but he pulled away and sat on his knees in between her legs and she was confused until he reached up and started undoing Alex’s button down dress shirt. The thought of the shirt made her think of Alex which made her want to cry, but she tried to suppress it. He took the shirt off her and looked at her. He started laughing and it made her feel paranoid.
“What?” she asked, looking down to make sure there wasn’t anything weird.
“I just think it’s cute how you coordinate your underwear; pink bra, pink panties, pink garter belt…” he said and his voice trailed off and she started laughing with him.
“If you don’t like it then…” her voice trailing off, too because she couldn’t think of a threat.
“Then what?” he asked as he bent down so that his forehead was touching hers.
“I can’t think of a threat,” she told him and he started laughing. She wrapped her legs around his hips and somehow found the strength in her legs to flip him so that he was on his back and she was on top of him. She started kissing down his smooth chest and she undid his belt buckle and unzipped and unbuttoned his pants and stripped them off of him. She was used to all the guys her age wearing boxers, but Mike was wearing boxer briefs which made his hard on all the more apparent.
She could tell that she was making Mike nervous because she was very good at controlling her facial features even when she was surprised and that was usually how guys could tell what the girl was thinking. Kennedy bit her lower lip and straddled him.
Mike laughed then pushed Kennedy off of him and it surprised her. He then made her lay down on her back so that he could get back on top. “What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m about to have sex with you,” he told her as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“No, I’m used to being on top,” she told him and he laughed.
“I don’t care. I’m going to be on top,” he told her.
“No, I am,” she demanded, getting fussy.
“If you’re so used to being on top then just let me be on top this time so that I can pleasure you. I don’t want you to have to do all the work,” he told her and she knew that he was using whatever he could come up with so that he would be on top.
“Fine,” she gave in even though she knew he was being played.
He smiled and pulled down her pink lacy underwear after taking off her bra in fell swoop. The good thing about garter belts was that you could still wear them even when you had no underwear on and you could take off the underwear you did have on without having to take off the garter belt.
Kennedy reached down and stripped off his boxer briefs for him and he smiled while watching her. She looked at his erection and was actually a little intimidated. Even though Alex had a pretty hefty one, this guy was like, porn star big, but Kennedy was always up for a challenge.
He leaned over her and he started to go in but she flinched away. “Can I ask you a favor, first?” she asked.
“Of course,” he said. “You’re not a virgin are you?” he asked and a look of horror rushed over his face and she started laughing.
“No, god no. Not for a while now,” she told him, “No, actually I wanted to ask if you would go in slow and then once you’re all the way in if you’ll just hold it there for a second,” she asked. She was surprised with herself because she usually didn’t ask guys to do that except for Alex.
“Sure,” he told her and smiled. “That’s it?” he asked and she nodded.
“That’s it,” she told him and started to go in her again. She shut her eyes and when he was all the way inside her and held it she let out a little gasp of pleasure. “Oh my god,” she whispered to herself and she heard Mike chuckle.
“May I continue?” he asked and she nodded.
“Yeah,” she said and then he started to thrust his large member in and out of her and it wasn’t as bad as she thought it was going to be. She was expecting it to be painful because she was used to Alex’s, but it was actually quite pleasurable.
She wanted to scream, but she knew she couldn’t with the party going on downstairs so she put her hands on his back and scratched down and heard him gasp. “Kennedy,” he whispered her name and she grabbed and grabbed at the sheets.
Eventually they both came and he fell on top of her and she just stroked his hair while she panted.
“Oh my god,” he said after a minute and rolled off her and next to her instead.
“What?” she asked.
“You are one of the best that I have ever had and I’ve had a lot,” he told her and she laughed. “Sorry, I guess I shouldn’t have said that,” he said, scolding himself.
“It’s okay, you’re definitely the best I’ve had and I’ve had a lot of sex,” she told him and it was the truth. Even though having sex with Alex was great, she never realized what she’d been missing out on. Alex gave her orgasms, sure, but compared to the one she had with Mike, they were miniature orgasms.
She rolled over and started trying to find her clothes.
“Can I ask you a favor now?” he asked and she laughed.
“Sure,” she nodded and turned back to him.
“Will you stay the night with me?” he asked and she was surprised. Usually one night stands usually didn’t ask to sleep with you that night.
“I have to give my friend a ride home,” she told him and shook her head.
“Use my phone to text her and ask her to have one of your other friends drive you home,” he said and handed his cell phone to her. Kennedy was a little hesitant, but decided that she liked Mike enough, and was mad at Alex enough, to do it.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, sorry about how long this is, first of all, but I'm going out of town tomorrow for five days and won't be able to update! I'm sorry. so I decided to make this chapter very long.
I want everybody to remember who Mike is because he will come into play later in the story. just tipping you off. =]
I expect lots and lots of comments, like, at least eight comments by the time I get back because a lot happens - between Alex being an ass hole and her having sex with someone else I'm sure that eight of my 60-something subscribers can find something to say. haha. not to sound mean.
just tell me what you think.
by the way, you should know that this is 6080 words and is about seven pages on microsoft word. =]
also, this is where I got my inspiration for Kennedy's oufit ----> http://cdn03.okcdn.okmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/full_taylor_momsen_07_wenn2568347.jpg