‹ Prequel: Casualties
Sequel: Illicit Paramour

Go Around


Kennedy had dozed off, but when she woke up at around two in the morning she was half surprised and half not so surprised to find Mr. Alexander Gaskarth lying next to her, shirtless and pants-less, but still in his boxers and his mouth slightly hanging open, but no drool coming out. His hair was all over the place but the vast majority of it was in his eyes and she brushed it away from them. She thought that this felt exactly like the other morning when he had come over without telling her first and she had woken up with him cuddling her.
She wished that he would come over before she went to sleep so that she could enjoy falling asleep with him instead of waking up in the middle of the night and wonder whose sleeping next to her. She cuddled into his chest and lay away for three hours thinking about relationships; her relationship with Alex, Alex’s relationship with her, Alex’s relationship with Lisa, Lisa’s relationship with Alex, Lisa’s relationship with Kennedy, and her relationship with Lisa. That was a whole lot of relationships that were going to get hurt if Kennedy and Alex continued what they were doing.
Alex started stirring and his groggy eyes finally landed on Kennedy and a crooked smile, her favorite smile, broke across his face as he engulfed her. His arms wrapped around her and she was strapped tight against his chest as his chin rested on her head. “This is my favorite thing in the whole wide world,” Alex said in a morning voice.
“What’s that?” she asked, kissing the same spot on his chest over and over again.
“Just waking up with you,” he told her, his eyes still shut and she couldn’t help but smile.
“It’s one of my favorites, too,” she told him and cuddled tighter into his chest.
He just held her for a minute but then finally asked her, “What time is it?”
“It’s around five,” she told him but she didn’t mention that she’d been watching him sleep for the past three hours – she didn’t want to seem too obsessive.
“So early… too early,” he droned and flipped onto his back and pulled her with him so that she was laying firmly on his chest.
“Not so early,” she told him with a giggle. She loved seeing Alex in the morning because he always acted like such a child and it made her think of what he was like as a child.
“Um, just because you get up this time every day doesn’t mean the rest of the world does,” he teased her.
“Sorry we can’t all wake up on rock star time,” she teased back, but only half so.
“So are you finally admitting that I’m a rock star?” he asked with a smirk spreading across his face.
“You’ve always been my rock star,” she mocked but said in a seductive way and licked her lips that made him burst out laughing with in turn made her laugh.
“God, I miss this,” he told her, squeezing her tight.
“What’s that? Just lying in bed with me?” she asked, genuinely curious as to what she gave him that he couldn’t possibly get with Lisa – Perfect Lisa.
“Being able to have fun,” he said serenely as though it was something he never had any more.
“What do you mean? You seem like you have tons of fun with Lisa all the time,” she commented even though she had been trying not to bring up Lisa’s name because she didn’t want it to put either of them in a weird mood.
“We do, but not this type of fun. She doesn’t make fun of herself as easily as you do which is why you and I always had so much fun,” he told her and she nodded. She refrained from telling him that he would never find another girl like her because most girls weren’t as comfortable as she was. Comfortable in the sense that she didn’t care if she made fun of herself because she knew her flaws and embraced them and she wasn’t extremely possessive of people, but then again last time Alex had been at her house isn’t that what he told her he wanted? For her to be possessive of him and get jealous? Maybe not in those exact words, but it was definitely implied.
“We should stay home today,” she made an off handed comment.
“Can we?” he asked.
“We could,” she said but she didn’t mean it really. They could stay home because her mom wouldn’t be home most likely because she already found herself a new man but she would never really consider ditching school when she was perfectly able to go.
“We’re going to. And before you even try to protest, don’t you want to spend an entire day with me? Alone?” he asked her, giving her his puppy dog eyes that made it impossible for her to say no.
“Alex, I have to go to school, you know that,” she told him and shook her head.
“No, you don’t. You’re caught up plenty and you’ll be just fine,” he told her with a wink.
“What will we do if we don’t go to school?” she asked. She wasn’t going to not go to school where she could be doing something productive and stay at her house and do absolutely nothing.
“We’ll just lie in bed all day, kiss, have sex maybe, and eat,” he told her putting so much emphasis on ‘eat’ that it sounded funny and it made her laugh.
“This is really what you want to do? What about Lisa, won’t she wonder where you are?” she asked him and he stuck his tongue out at her.
“I could call her and tell her that I’m sick,” he said as though it were the most brilliant idea in the world.
“What about me? Won’t people be suspicious as to why I’m not there the same time that you’re not there?” she asked, and she realized that he had no answer because the obvious answer was that yes, it would stand out if both of them weren’t there on the same day and there wasn’t one single lie that would save them.
“Call Jack and tell him that your mom’s dragging you back to New York or that you had to go to New York because your friend, Autumn-“ she cut him off.
“Audrey,” she corrected him.
“Whatever, that Audrey got into an accident and that she needs you. And that your mom’s driving you up which would explain if they stopped by and saw your car,” Alex finished.
“It sounds like you’ve been planning this for a while,” she teased and he stuck his tongue out at her again and she kept laughing at him.
“So will you? Please. I really just want to spend the day with you,” he pleaded her and she could tell that he was sincere.
She thought about her and Jack’s conversation the night before and about how she had agreed that she would try to stop her relationship with Alex, but looking at him was making it extremely difficult to find the guts to tell him that she was done. And honestly, she really didn’t want to. She wanted to kiss him and touch him and have sex with him and none of that would be possible if she put a stop to their ‘relationship’.
“Yeah, I’ll call Jack in an hour or so but you should call Lisa now,” Kennedy told him, conceding to his plan. She loved him and she couldn’t help herself.
A smile broke out over his face and his eyes lit up with happiness and she loved being the cause for his happiness instead of his sadness like she had been so many times in the past.
“Sounds great,” he said and jumped over her and ran across her room to grab his cell phone that was sitting on her vanity table. He dialed the number and came back and laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist while the phone rang. “Honey?” Alex asked and made his voice sound all raspy like he was sick. “I’m not going to be able to pick you up this morning, I’m not feeling so good,” he told her and kissed Kennedy’s neck. “It’s alright, you don’t have to bring me anything,” he said to Lisa but continued to kiss Kennedy down her neck onto her back. “Yeah, I love you, too,” he said and kept lowering until he hit her waist then circled around and kissed her waist until he was kissing her stomach. Kennedy knew that Alex knew that doing this did nothing sexually to her but it was more for him to comfort her, like saying that even though he was on the phone with his girlfriend he was there with Kennedy and kissing her, not his girlfriend. “Okay, bye,” he said then clicked off the phone.
Kennedy ran her fingers through Alex’s hair as he made kissing trails up her stomach and to her chest and back to her neck. He was on top of her and she wasn’t entirely sure how it had happened so fast. “I’m sorry,” he whispered against her neck and she stroked his hair. It should bother Kennedy that he had been talking to Lisa and to some extent it was but for the most part it hadn’t really fazed her except for the fact that she hated lying to Lisa and Jack because they had both been so great to her since she’d been attempting to be forgiven.
“For what?” she asked, deciding that playing dumb would be the best route.
“For not breaking up with her when I obviously want to be with you so much more,” he told her just a little bit above a whisper but still into her neck and it was enough to start to tickle her.
“I really have no reason to blame you. She’s a lot more reliable than I am or I’ll ever be no matter how hard I try. You were right to tell me that she would never pick up and leave you in the middle of the night after making love and telling each other you love each other,” Kennedy said even though she didn’t want to admit it.
He collapsed onto her without saying another word about it. They both fell asleep, him still on top of her and her arms wrapped around him but her phone started going off at around seven and she grabbed it. It was her alarm clock telling her to call Jack.
She let out a deep sigh and then dialed Jack’s number while Alex was still asleep. She didn’t need him kissing her neck and making her giggle while she was on the phone with Jack. “Hello?” he answered and he sounded awake, usually when she called him this early he was still in bed.
“Hey, Jack, it’s Kennedy,” she said and tried to sound tired.
“Hey, what’s up? Are you still picking me up?” he asked and he sounded trepadicious.
“No, I can’t,” she said simply because she was hoping that she wouldn’t have to go into too much detail.
She heard him let in a sharp breath, “Are you with Alex?” he asked suddenly like he’d been making assumptions that she was ditching with Alex but she wondered where he ever got the idea that Alex was there to begin with.
“Um, no. I’m in the car with my mom,” she said trying to sound irritated that he would even think she was with Alex after she promised him she would say no to him.
“Why are you in the car?” he asked, getting side tracked.
“My best friend from New York, Audrey, had an accident and I have to go up there to see her,” Kennedy explained briefly just like she would if it were really happening because she didn’t like to get to in-depth on her personal life.
“Oh, I’m sorry I jumped to assumptions. Lisa called me this morning and asked if I could get her a ride to school because Alex is sick so when you told me that you weren’t going to school I assumed that you were going to be with him. I’m sorry, Kennedy,” he apologized and it made her feel awful for lying to him, but it made her feel good for being such a good liar.
“It’s alright, I can understand why you would assume that after I told you,” she said and dismissed it because she was feeling guilty.
“Well, let your friend know that I hope she gets feeling better,” Jack told her and it made her smile. Everyone thought that Jack was this giant goof ball and he was when he was in front of people who weren’t his close friends, but when he was around Kennedy and Alex he was actually a very serious guy.
“Thanks Jack, I appreciate that,” she whispered.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he told her.
“Okay, bye,” she said, but he had already hung up. Kennedy shut her phone and set it on the ground next to her bed. She bit her lower lip and felt bad. Yesterday she had felt so great about having someone to talk to about the whole Alex-cheating-on-his-girlfriend-with-me thing, but now she had no one.
Alex stirred and she rubbed his back and when he came to he looked at her and kissed her on the lips and all of her guilt washed away.
“Do we get the day?” he asked with a smile on his face.
“The entire day,” she promised. “Can I ask a favor though?” she asked.
He looked at her with serious eyes, “Of course, anything,” he said with a nod.
She smiled, “Will you spend the night?” she asked, feeling ridiculous because she never thought she’d be one of those needygirlfriends mistresses who liked to have theirboyfriends casual fuck buddy spend the night.
A smile even wider than hers broke out over his face and he kissed her again and again and again, “I thought you’d never ask,” he said and kissed her again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm getting a lot better at this whole update-while-having-important-school-assignments-due thing. =] haha.
anyway, word count (incase anybody was wondering): 2,381.
I'd like to say that I'm going to update a few times this week, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to because I have an oral exam on monday and then I have finals friday, monday, and tuesday. =/
I want ten comments for this chapter.. it would have been seven, but I didn't get all seven I wanted for the last chapter (I was three short) so I added three to this one. =]