Sequel: Now I'm Haunted
Status: Working on it.

How to Save a Life While Messing With Fate...


Everything and I do mean everything that could have gone wrong in my life has gone wrong. To make matters worse, everything has all came crashing down in about the last two months, just a little too much. I cannot do this anymore, everything is too hard. I feel like I cannot breathe, there is this enormous amount of pressure upon my chest and nothing I do takes it away. Probably not taking care of my diabetes is contributing to my condition. However, I seriously do not see the point, my life sucks…I do not even have a reason to live anymore.
I cannot believe my marriage is over. I thought Miley was my forever, but I guess not. Once you sleep with twenty other men, I think you have lost me. She obviously just wanted more publicity when she said yes to marrying me. That is just not right, I gave her myself. She just walked all over and used me. I am somewhat relieved that I know everything, because I have been stressing about thinking of her cheating since we started dating. It turns out my suspicions were right; she was always cheating on me.
God I feel stupid! How could I not find out sooner? I was so blind. I think I just did not want to see the truth, because I did want to seem stupid. Well now, I look like a complete idiot! When she told me, after being together for eight years and married for five that she has cheated on me for eight years, and now the last person she slept with is supposedly her soul mate, it hurt. It ripped me into a billion pieces.
Soon after, she got the divorce papers, and took everything from me. I do not know how, she cheated on me! She played everyone in court, it is not fair. I am getting so much bad press, everyone hates me now! Why? Nothing make sense anymore! My music career is gone, I have not been able to write anything either, and I am lonely. I now live in a small apartment in Chicago; at least I like the city.
I wish I could turn to my family, but once I said I was getting a divorce, my parents said they did not want anything to do with me. They do not believe in divorce, but I really had no choice in the matter. Kevin has been away on some island he bought with Danielle, and Joe has hated me since I married Miley and even now, he still probably will not help me out either. If I cannot make music that people will like, or be with anyone I love without being used or walked all over, then what do I have to live for. No one would miss me if I died.

SPLAT! The vision, sound, and even smell came through my head once again like a freight train. All I see is a massive splatter of fresh red blood hit a clear glass door, with a familiar hand sliding down along with the drops of blood. I can smell the strong, redolent aroma of blood. This is the second time I have seen this particular vision, I wonder who I am going to lose this time.
It’s probably Erin, I feel awfully appalled at myself for becoming close with someone again. Well I though maybe this time would be different since Erin is a girl, most of the time I lost guys who are close to me. How is it fair that everyone to ever make me happy has to die a horrible gory death? The worst part is I see it, I mean I get these visions I can’t control. They take over me, and I see the goriest part of my loved one’s death. I can’t go through this much longer!
The visions started when I had my first real boyfriend at age sixteen. After six months of dating, we confessed that we loved one other...after that I had my first vision. I remember the vision clearly like every other one I have had in the last eight years. I saw a guy walking home from my house with a small hop in their step, then all the sudden a shiny blue F-150 comes barreling down the street and completely demolishes the guy. I had that vision a total of three times, like most of my visions. I see the first two without knowing who the person is, but on the third one I see who it is.
The person who was hit was Greg, he was my boyfriend. The one who cared for me the most. I took so long to get over that incident. I felt helpless, I felt like I could have saved him. I still feel that for everyone I lose. Sometimes I believe I was given this power to be tortured for something I did in a past life, but then I wonder if it’s a gift. Can I find a way to prevent their deaths? However, wouldn’t it be messing with fate?
I’ve tried countless times to prevent my loved ones deaths, but I’m always too late. Do you know what having the visions and sometimes seeing the actual death/murder happen in person too does to a person? I feel uncontrolled, unstable, and crazy! I know this isn’t normal for a person to see. I have major commitment issues; I absolutely hate getting close to anyone, because I know I’ll eventually lose them. That’s why I moved here to Chicago, away from my family. I couldn’t stand to lose them, not talking to them as often is better then costing them their lives.
I’m toxic; no one should be allowed near me! I don’t want to be like this, I’ve tried so many things to get rid of this issue…nothing works. I know after Erin goes, I’m done with everyone. I can’t do this to myself or anyone else anymore. I believe I’m a monster. How is this fair to me, I didn’t ask for this! A 24 year old should not see death! I am forever going to be lonely; I guess that’s better then losing everyone you care about.
I feel the third part of my vision coming. I see the blood and that same hand slam against the glass door again, but this time I am able to look down. When I do, I see my best friend, the one who has gotten me in years. I mean she never knew about my visions, I didn’t want to freak her out. Plus I thought this time things would be different. She is covered in blood…stabbed to death, my guess is by one of the City gangs. Poor girl, this is my entire fault. I never should have become friends with her. She was so sweet, I feel like it‘s too late to save her now…I curled up into a ball and started to sob like I do every time I have my visions. My heart and brain can’t take this…I’m going to be mental! What’s the point of living alone, miserable, and completely insane? Hopefully I’ll start to have visions of myself soon…