
Who Are They?

"I'm sorry about your jacket." Ray said, wiping his lip with Bob's shirt. He heard Gerard wince a little.

"It's okay...I think. I can buy another one. Really." Although it was kind of hard to take him seriously, what with the crying and all.

"Can somebody get me an apple? I'm hungry..." Mikey said, rubbing his stomach like he did earlier.

"Get it yourself." Ray muttered, glancing at the still asleep Bob.

"Fine!" Mikey groaned, getting up and walking to the apple tree.

"Ray...where is your watch?" Frank asked.

"Um...on my wrist." Ray said, checking it.

"Can I see it?" Frank asked. Then Ray took it off his wrist and handed it to Frank.

"Damn. Right now I would usually be watching my favorite show...but I can't because we are stuck on this stupid island." Frank said with a sigh.

"What's your favorite show, Frank?" Ray asked with curiousity.

"Nothing. Nevermind." Frank said, handing Ray his watch back.

Mikey came back, without any apples.

"Umm...guys. Well, I think you should know something." Mikey said, nerviously looking at his feet. Bob was awake now.

"Know what? And where is your apple?" Gerard asked, walking up to his still hungry looking brother.

"I...uh. Well, just come see for yourself." Mikey said, gesturing the other members to follow him. The other band members followed Mikey, and they stopped behind a bush, where Mikey motioned ahead.

"It's the apple tree. Gee. What a find." Frank said sarcastically.

"Look near the apple tree." Mikey said, motioning ahead. When the MCR members looked a second time, they saw two girls. A tall brunette, and a medium heighted blond.

"Uh-oh..." Ray said, looking down at his watch again.