
Storm or no storm?

"I love you so much. Right now you're really l'il, but when you get older you are going to be like your awesome daddy..." Marty whispered into Carol's stomach. Carol glared at him.

"...Or you're wonderful mommy who's going to hurt daddy." Marty said. Carol nodded jokingly. Carol was about two months pregnant, from what she could guess. She was starting to grow a slight bump, but it was just barely there at this point. Marty thought it would somehow help the babies developement by talking to it, despite the fact that at this point it was about the size of a grape.

About a month had passed since the Lacey incident. She finally forgave Gerard, but she still wished to have her privacy. She stayed in a part of the island that no one knew...and she promised she would leave them alone, and she wished that they wouldn't try to find out where she was. She only came out when she needed food...and everyone was fine with this. Mikey tried to find her once, but Gerard persuaded him to leave her with her wishes.

It was a cloudy day, and everyone was preparing for a storm. When you are trapped on an island for a long time, you get good at reading the weather. So if there was a storm coming, it wouldn't catch them off guard like last time. Frank gathered Bert and her three babies and gathered them to the cave where they last waited the storm. Everyone could just get there if it started, but it would be a lot harder for the chicken-ducklings. Carol also stayed nearby, Marty by her side. She cared deeply for her child and didn't want the storm to do any damage to her baby, seeing as how she can't get to a hospital.

They would've asked Lacey if she wanted to join, but they figured she could manage if she had lasted that long on the island.

"When do you think it will start raining?" Ray asked.

"I don't know...probably not too long." Gerard said.

"It might not rain at all...all this is just a precaution." Frank said, grabbing the Jimmy chicken-duckling that was running astray, coddling it. Jimmy bit him and he dropped him. Frank decided to let the Jimmy one go off - for now.

"But it might, and I want us to be prepared. Last time was a disaster..." Britney said, remember the Frank/Bert incident. Remembering this, Frank ran up to Jimmy and grabbed him, dealing with his pecking and biting.

About a half an hour passes. Frank let his Bert and the chicken-ducklings out. Looked like the storm had passed.

"You sure it's alright for us to get away from here?" Carol asked, concerned.

" would be raining by now if there was going to be an actual storm. We're fine." Bob said.

"Truth." Britney said.

"I dare you to..." Bob started. Then he felt something on his head.

Looking up, he found that the clouds he thought were gone suddenly reappeared, darker and greyer than ever. He felt his head.

Wet. Looks like he was wrong. The drops suddenly started to come down harder. Everyone started to look at Bob madly.

"Don't waste your time getting mad...get to the cave!" Bob said, running for it.

Not this again...