
...Yup. A storm.

Actually, the storm was nothing like last time. Let's rewind a little....

"C'mon! Frank....get your *things* and bring them!" Ray shouted, trying to get everyone to the cave, now farther away than they planned, as soon as possible. Frank obeyed and got Bert and her chicken-ducklings, and got back to the cave.


Now everyone was in the cave and out of breathe.

"Everyone alright?" Britney asked, out of breath. They all nodded. Only one person said differently.

"Not...really..." Said a weak sounding voice.

More people?!

Everyone turned around to see where the voice was coming from...

It was Gerard.

"What's wrong?" Mikey asked.

"Frank's...leaning on*delicate* spot...." Gerard said. Frank looked down, and immediately moved.

"Sorry." Frank said.

"No problem...I wouldn't expect pain down there from anyone but you..." Gerard said, rubbing himself (Yes, down there. No, not in the weird way.) and breathed out in relief.

"You and your "delicate item" need a moment alone?" Marty asked.

"Haha..." Gerard said, rolling his eyes.

"Wait...what did you mean by not expecting that kind of pain from anyone but me???" Frank asked, slightly insulted.

"Remember "Life on the Murder Scene?" Gerard asked. Frank closed his eyes and thought a minute. He winced.

"Sorry about that." Frank said.

"No problem." Gerard said with a laugh.

"We know your favorite videos...but what was the funnest video for you guys to shoot?" Carol asked.

"Uh..." Gerard started.

"I'm Not Okay..." Frank said.

"Yeah...getting stuffed into a locker probably brought back a lot of memories to you, Frank." Bob said.

"I think I liked "The Ghost of You." Storming the beach was cool." Gerard said.

"Yeah, and I actually enjoyed pretending to die..." Mikey said.

"Oh...DEFINATELY "Vampires Will Never Hurt You." Bob said.

"No!" Frank said. "Gerard and I got...wait, you weren't even there!" Frank said. Bob rolled his eyes.

"I think that was the point." Ray said.

"Whatever, I-...." Frank said. He stopped himself, looking outside. Everyone else turned around.

"It's just the sun." Ray said, turning to face Frank. Frank was grinning.

"Oh...wait..." Ray said.

"WE MADE IT THROUGH IT!" Mikey shouted (if you can imagine Mikey shouting...)

"...Without and head trauma!!!" Frank said.

Everyone celebrated their successful survival that night with....

fish. They REALLY need to get off that island.