
Bird Bonding

"Hello Bert...and how are you and your babies doing today?" Frank cooed, picking a Jimmy and Zacky up. He cuddled them, and put them down.

"Man...Frank's really attached to those birds, isn't he?" Britney asked. Gerard nodded.

"Yeah...he really loves them. I think he takes the love he has for his pets at home, and Jamia (okay, maybe not EVERY aspect of love for Jamia) and puts it into the birds-"

"Chicken-ducks!" Frank called.

"Chicken-ducks. Whatever..." Gerard said.

"And I do love them...very much. If we get off this island, I'm taking them with me." Frank said.

"You're seriously going to take a bunch of bir - Chicken-ducks back home with you??" Mikey asked.

"Are you crazy?!" Ray asked.

"Quite possibly....but these guys right here got me through some tough times...I love them and I'm not leaving without them. Everyone will just have to deal with it." Frank said.

"Even Jamia?" Britney asked.

"Somehow, I have a feeling that Jamia will understand more than anyone else, actually. I think she would be okay with it." Frank said.

It was night time, and everyone was asleep. Ray went to bed really early that day, so by around 3 AM (he guessed) he was wide awake. He decided to go bathe himself since it had been a few days. He got undressed, leaving only his undergarments (boxers) and got into the water. While there, he saw the Johnny chicken-duck (he recognized him because he was the smalled) come to the edge of the water.

"Hey there little...bird thing. How are you?" Ray asked. The chicken-duck flapped his wings, as if to say "not so bad...and you?"

" like the water?" Ray asked. He splashed the bird lightly with water, seeing how he reacted. He liked it.

When Ray finished bathing he got closer to Johnny. He wanted to see what it was like to bond with the Chicken-duck. He picked it up and danced around with him, petting him.

"You hungry?" Ray asked the Chicken-duck. It ran to the berry bush, and pecked at it.

" want berries, huh?" Ray asked. He picked a handful and fed him. Pretty soon he started playing a game where he threw a berry into the air, and Johnny would try to catch it.

After awhile Ray got a little sleepy and fell asleep. Growing a little attached to Ray, rather then go next to Frank as usual, he waddled next to Ray, and soon fell asleep as well.

The next morning, Ray and everyone else was awaken by Frank's screams. Ray opened his eyes to find Frank in tears.

"What the hell did you do?" Frank asked.

"What do you mean? OH Johnny...we bonded a little last night and he slept next to me..." Ray said with a chuckle. Frank started getting angry...face turning red.

"Geez...I know you love the birds and all, but you don't have to get all territorial about it, Frank." Ray said.

"I don't care that he slept with you...I DO care on the other hand that he's not breathing!!!!!" Frank yelled, getting down on one knee and stroking Johnny's head. Ray's heart started to pound.

Did he do something to Johnny?!