
Who Could It Be?

"I...I didn't...I mean I..." Ray choked on his words. He looked down at the bird. Mikey leaned down and felt around the bird. He looked up at Frank.

"Sorry Frank...but he's-"

"NO! Try harder! GOD you are all so lazy! We were able to save Bert...Johnny's going to be fine!!!" Frank yelled. He stormed past everyone and picked up the bird.

"Wake up! Come on, Johnny bird...don't do this to me! Common!" Frank yelled, shaking the bird lightly. He looked down. "He's...he's going to be okay, right?? Maybe he's just sleeping! Maybe he'll...." Frank stopped. Tears formed in his eyes and he started sobbing on Gerard's shoulder.

"I'm really sorry Frank..." Gerard said, patting Frank on the shoulder. Most people wouldn't react this badly, but that was Frank. Once he grew passionate about something, he would become attached. And he had always adored animals. At this point, he loved these birds like he would his children.

"He's in better place..."Bob said. He really didn't know what else he could say.

"Yeah...because Ray put him there!" Frank shouted, going up to Ray. "How could you let this happen?! I thought you care more, Ray!" Frank yelled, pushing him. Gerard dragged Frank to sit down.

"He didn't mean it Ray...I mean, I'm sure you didn't do anything on purpose...did you?" Mikey asked.

"Of course not! You guys know me...I would never do anything to hurt Frank or those birds. I swear, I was just playing around with Johnny. I never meant for anything to happen." At this point, Ray was getting a little teary eyed.

"I'm sorry Frank...I really didn't mean to-"

"Ray...I don't want to come out like a jerk here, but Frank's in a pretty bad place right now. should just hold that thought, tell him a little later." Bob said. Ray nodded.

It was roughly about an hour after Johnny's "passing". To calm Frank down, Gerard got Frank Bert and his two other babies for his to hold. This helped a little. And Frank also promised they could have a small ceremony for the bird Frank cared for so much.

"Thanks Gerard. could Ray do this?!" Frank asked, getting angry again.

"Frank...this whole thing is terrible, but we both know Ray. Even if he did have something to do with've got to know it wasn't on purpose." Gerard said. Frank lightened up, knowing Gerard was right.

"I...know. I'll talk to him later...but not now. Now...I kinda of would like to just be alone if you don't mind?" Frank asked. Gerard nodded, starting to gather up the Chicken-duck and ducklings.

"Uh...actually...could you leave them? They kind of make me feel better." Frank said. Gerard smiled warmly.

"Okay...whatever you want." Gerard said, walking off. He walked to the campfire...where everyone was sitting uncomfortably, feeling really bad for Frank. In the corner he saw an especially glum Ray."

"Hey there." Gerard said, sitting down. Ray sighed.

"Look...I don't want to here it. I'm already going through hell, and I don't need-"

"Relax Ray...I just sat here because you look sad. I know that you didn't do anything...and if you did, it was an accident. Frank does too." Gerard said, putting his arm around Ray. Ray sighed out of relief. Then he frowned.

"Then how come Frank yelled at and pushed me like that?" Ray said, recalling what happened a little earlier.

"He's just....frustrated. He loved those birds...y'know?" Gerard said. "But he still has the other three...this will hurt for awhile, but he'll get over it. Life will just...go on, and so will he." Gerard said. They both sat there a minute, then Ray decided he should say something. He didn't want to ruin the moment of peace...but he felt it just HAD to be said.

"I really have no idea how it happened...I-"

"Ray...we've talked about this. It's one's blaming-"

"No, Gerard. Listen...I really don't think this was me...accident or no accident." Ray said. Gerard was about to argue. But he looked into Ray's sincere eyes...and he had to think it wasn't totally pointless to let the man speak.

"What two do last night?" Gerard asked. Ray explained everything, until Ray got to the part about the berries, where Gerard stopped him.

"Couldn't it have been that-?"

"No. I know what you're going to say...but it can't be. They were from the same bush that Frank always fed them from...that's how I knew I could." Ray said. Gerad frowned.

"What else?" Gerard asked.

"Nothing. That's my point...he waddled to bed with me, and that was that. That's why I really don't think I had anything to do with it..." Ray said.

"'re right about that.'s just so weird that his heart just *stopped*, I don't know...wait a minute." Gerard stopped. He thought back. To a certain conversation he had with someone a little over a month ago...

"I think you're right...I DON'T think you did this. And...I think I might have an idea of who did." Gerard said, getting up. Before Ray could question him, he was out.... the other side of the island... talk to Lacey.