
Frank Finds Out

Gerard stood in front of Frank wordlessly. Once he found his voice, Gerard started to talk.

"Hey...Frank. How are you doing?" He asked, sitting next to Frank, patting his back. He smiled weakly.

"Alright I guess, considering my bird just died. What's up?" Frank asked. Gerard noticed Frank wiping away a few tears. This whole situation was really tough on him.

"You know Lacey?" Gerard asked, starting right in. Frank grinned.

"I think EVERYBODY knows Lacey." Frank chuckled, remembering the first time everyone met Lacey. Gerard grinned, until he remembered what he came there for. He turned serious.

"Well...don't know how to say this, so I just will. Lacey...was the one who killed Johnny." Gerard said. He opened his mouth to say more, but then closed it. He wanted to let that much sink in first.

Frank's face turned into a mixture of shock and disgust.

"You mean...accidentally, right?" Frank asked hopefully. Gerard shook his head. He was about to explain further, saying everything that Lacey said, but at that point, Frank was off. He tried to stop Frank, but he couldn't. Frank was an easygoing guy...but if you hit him where it hurts, he could get really angry.

Frank stormed off all around the beach.

"LACEY?!" Frank called out. Gerard was running after Frank...but since Frank was more "petite" he couldn't keep up. Lacey was out much faster this time. She expected a reaction like this and she was prepared. Frank ran to her, and Gerard was afraid he would lose his temper and hit her. But he didn't...even this angry, Frank wasn't that kind of person.

"Frank...hi." Lacey said. Not very smart to act nonchalont over something like that.

"How could you do that to Johnny? He was MY bird and you killed him!" Frank said, his voice a very harsh tone.

"I didn't know he meant so much...I thought he was just a regular bird, I-"

"Still. You inhumanely killed an innocent bird that belonged to me, and that's wrong." Frank said. Lacey sighed.

"Could you give me about five minutes to explain it fully, and THEN say what you want?" Lacey asked. Frank looked up at Gerard and he nodded. Gerard knew what Lacey had to say wouldn't help too much...but it would clear her name a bit. Frank turned around.

"Alright. You have five minutes." Frank said. And Lacey started to explain.
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I know it's a short chapter...but it's going somewhere.