
I'm Writing This Letter and Wishing You Well

Bob looked around the island, it was early in the morning and he had just woken up. About a month had passed since the whole Frank/Lacey incident, and things were reletively back to normal...Frank even started eating more than once a day again. Although nobody had seen Lacey since then...she was probably too ashamed to come out.

Bob decided that since he was the first one awake, he would get started on breakfast. He rolling up his pant bottoms and stepping into the icey water.

"Gah..." He moaned to himself, feeling uncomfortably chill. He looked around at everyone, still snoring away on the island.

"Oh screw this, I'm getting back to bed." Bob said, jumping out of the cold water. He started walking back when he stepped on something. It was a note. He looked at the words on it, and suddenly looked out onto the water. Nothing. He grew angry and started running.

"GUYS! GUYS! WAKE UP NOW!" He yelled while still running. Everyone woke up, dizzy and confused.

"Wha-?" Mikey moaned.

"What the hell is it Bob?" Ray asked, yawning. Bob ran up to him and handed him the paper.

"Read this." Bob said. Ray looked at it.

"What the-?! This is a joke right?" Ray asked. Bob shook his head.

"I found it this morning when I was starting to make breakfast..." Bob said. Gerard grabbed the letter.

"Oh...oh my god. Is this for real?" Gerard said, looking up.

"I think so...I just found it." Bob said.

"What does the letter say?" Carol asked, rubbing her belly, that was starting to grow a baby bump at this point.

"Agreed." Marty and Britney said in unison. Mikey grabbed the letter and read aloud.

"Everyone on the island -
Someone I know has come for me to take me back. I'm sick of all the drama on this island...I just can't take it anymore. The boat was too small for all of rather than choose certain people to go on the boat, I just left. I'll try to send something back for you if I can..."

"What the hell?" Mikey asked himself. "What a selfish little-"

"This HAS to be a one is that selfish." Carol said.

"'I'll trying to send something for you *if* I can?' Who does this chick think she is?!" Marty asked. Everyone agreed.

To think I actually felt sorry for her!" Gerard sneered, looking at the letter. He crumpled it up and threw it in the lake.

"After what happened with my Johnny chicken-duck, I don't know HOW I ever thought I could forgive her." Frank said, petting (CHICKEN-DUCK!) Bert.

No one on the island said much that day. The all felt betrayed and hopeless...they had a chance to get off the island, and because of Lacey's selfishness they missed it.

They would get off eventually, right?