
Found Out

Everyone sat around the fire eating berries and apples. They would have had fish as well but none of them could catch any...there weren't as many in the water that day as there usually were.

Frank was somewhat pleased with this.

"Now all of you get to know what it's like to have nothing but fruit and berries for dinner." He snickered, slightly evil grin growing on his face.

Nobody had a very enthusiastic reply to this. Partly because they didn't want to have just fruit and berries, and partly because they were so close to not having to have the same meal again...and that opportunity was taken by the now gone Lacey.

"This sucks..." Mikey said. Gerard looked around.

"I just want you to know that I thought Lacey was a better person than that, I never knew she would do something so awful." Gerard said, looking down. Frank nodded.

"I was ready to forgive her for Johnny. But now...after what she did. I just..." Frank's words drifted away into the cool breeze, and they all sat silently once again.

Gerard was drawing pictures in the sand with a stick. It was (roughly) about 12:00 and most of the others had gone to bed. He kept drawing...not feeling very tired.

"I'm going to bed." Ray said, starting to walk by. He stopped to look at Gerard's drawing in the ground. Gerard started giggling.

"What are those?" Ray said.

"Turn you head a little." Gerard said. Ray did this and frowned.

"Oh god...grow up, Gerard!" Ray said, walking off. Gerard just laughed and kept drawing, hearing Ray mutter something about how "it's like he's on an island full of eight grade boys."

Gerard drew for about another twenty minutes when he yawned...he was more tired than he thought. He got up, put the stick down and stomped out all of his drawings...with an exception of the one Ray saw. He thought he'd leave that one for awhile. He started walking off when he heard something. At first he thought it was the wind...until he heard words.

"Please don't tell anyone...I want them to think I'm gone. Please!"

"But why would you want everyone to think you would do such a horrible thing?!"

" a little quieter. I just wanted everyone to leave me alone. You all said you would, but I somehow kept coming into the picture. I figured if everyone thought I'd left, they wouldn't care or bother to look, being both angry and thinking I'm gone. Will you PLEASE not tell?"

"I really don't think-"

"Please, Frank. Just...go along with it. If I'm brought up, just...keep being angry. Pretend like you never saw me here. Please?"

" know what? Fine. *I* personally wouldn't want people to think badly of me...but if that's what you want...then alright. You are no longer on this island.

"Thanks...well, I'm going off."

"Lacey...hold on a sec."


"I...just wanted you to know. The Johnny incident..."

"Yeah, I told you I-"

"'s not like that. I just want you to know...that I forgive you. And there will be atleast one person that won't think bad about you on this island."

"Well...I doubt you or anybody will be seeing me again, hopefully. But...thanks. That does mean something. Now...I really have to go."

"Bye Lacey."

"By Frank. Oh...wait. Before you go...can you give Gerard this?"


"Just give it to him...I know he thinks horribly of me, but he was as close to a friend as I ever could have on this island. Give it to him...just tell him you found it with a note or something."

"Alright...I think he's asleep now, but I'll give it to him in the morning..."

Gerard, not wanting Frank to know that he was listening, scrambled to the place where he usually slept. He closed his eyes. Frank walked up next to him and set gift next to Gerard...figuring he'd explain who it was from in the morning. Then he made his sleeping area and was soon snoring away.

Gerard opened his eyes and saw the gift. He smiled, and closed his eyes and was soon asleep as well.

There were TWO people on this island who didn't think badly of Lacey.