
Carol and Britney

"I didn't know there were other people on this island besides us...did you talk to them Mikey?" Frank asked, looking at the girls.

"No. When I saw them, I panicked. I just ran away. I didn't know what else to do." Mikey said, rubbing his hands together.

"Yeah, but in his defense, Mikey's always been like that with girls." Gerard said, lightly punching his brother on the shoulder.

"Maybe they could help us...we should talk to them." Ray said, licking his fingers to fix his hair.

"Easy have a girlfriend. We've been on this island for less than a're not THAT deprived." Frank said with a chuckle.

"I know...I just like to have nice hair for company." Ray said, looking to a puddle to make sure his hair was just right."

"I'll go first...being a married man I feel I'm less of a threat." Gerard said, giving the guys a smile as he walked.

"Hey, I'm married too..." Mikey said, thinking now of how much he missed Alicia.

"Fine. YOU can go then." Gerard said, taking a step back.

Mikey thought the brunette looked approachable. He slowly walked to her. He started talking very slowly, as if he was talking to some other life form.

"Hello. I am Mikey. I am a part of My Chemical Romance. We come in peace."

"Um...hi. Why are you talking weird like that?" The brunette said, looking at a now blushing Mikey.

"Oh...sorry. I thought maybe you were from somewhere else...another country or something." Mikey now was as red as a tomato.

"Nope. That's Britney and I'm Carol. We're both from America. And...I'm assuming you are too?" She asked, laughing a little at how shy he was. Mikey nodded. Now the rest of the band is coming up. They were all starting to talk to Carol when they heard a scream. It seemed to have come from Britney. They all stared at the blond.

"Your My Chemical Romance! Oh my god! I am such a big fan of your music! Isn't odd you'd be here on the very island Carol and I get stuck on." She said, flashing a smile.

"Tremendously..." Gerard said, not yet sure what to think of Britney. He liked Carol though. And although Britney seemed a little "fan-ish", they both seemed nice. The MCR members had sat down and talked with the two girls. They found out that they had become stranded about a few weeks before-hand and had stayed on the other side of the island, surviving on fish and the apples.

"So...all five of you...WITHOUT your girlfriends....were on a cruise? That's a little odd isn't it?" Carol said, tossing her hair back.

"Um...they couldn't make it." Bob said, chewing an apple (after all, Gerard HAD stolen his.)

"Suuuure." Britney said, not convinced. She too had an apple she was munching on.

"I know it's not believable, but it really is the truth. Today was my anniversary. With my wife...whom I am married to." Mikey said when catching Britney staring at him.

"I am engaged to someone back home...I'm hoping he will find" Carol said, tears visible in her eyes.

"And I have a boyfriend...although I am not married nor engaged." Britney said, winking at Mikey. He slid over a bit.