
A Little Fight

"Blue...three...four, NO, um...yeah. Four. I'll go with four." Bob said.

"Ask again." Mikey said.

"Dammit! I knew that answer was four!" Bob said.

It was a big day on the island. While searching for one of his shoes, Gerard found two pieces of paper and a pencil with a small tip on it. Not much...but after being stranded on an island for a long time, you couldn't become picky about entertainment. After numerous games of rock, paper, scissors, it was made so that Mikey and Frank each got one piece of paper and did with it what they chose.

Mikey chose to make a fortune teller. Gerard argued with him until he was promised he could choose the colors and numbers for it.

Frank chose to draw. But the pencil ended up breaking, so he just made a paper airplane instead.

I know both of these sound pretty boring, but there was one week where the guys fought over a candy wrapper. It's honestly amazing what deprivision can do to someone.

"Come on Mikey...let me have a turn." Ray whined. Mikey shook his head stubbornly.

"Come ON....the deal was that whoever got the paper had to share whatever they did with it." Gerard said.

"No it wasn't." Mikey said.

" it is. It's only fair." Gerard started. "Besides, that should have just been a given. Frank was nice enough to share his airplane before Bert ate it." Gerard looked at the chicken-duck. He wasn't sure if it was possible for birds to smirk, but from the content way Bert was looking, he thought he was. Bert then proceeded to spit up some of the paper, only to eat it back up again. Carol turned away disgusted.

"Well...that's what he chose to do with what he recieved, and I'm doing what I choose. There's nothing you can do about that." Mikey said. Big mistake.

Gerard was playing the fortune teller game with Frank.

"" Frank said, smiling. Gerard proceeded. Mikey, on the otherhand, sat on a rock next to Ray. He was holding a cloth, graciously donated by Ray, to his face. Ray was checking over his bruises.

"It's not that bad...not as bad as last time, at least." Ray said.

"It WAS mine." Mikey said.

"I know." Ray said. "Boy, Gerard sure has a temper, doesn't he?" Ray said, donating another piece of cloth to replace the already blood soaked one Mikey now held to his mouth.

"Tewl me abowt iwt." Mikey said, making sure all his teeth were still intact.

Frank and Gerard were still playing his new "recovered" game.

"Don't you think you were being a little hard on Mikey? He's your little brother...he's practically closer to you than your wife is." Frank said. Gerard looked at him weirdly. "In a different way, of course." Frank said, with a hint of uncertainty.

"I just lightly hit him, Frank." Gerard said. Frank glanced over to Mikey, who was wincing, removing various bits of skin from his elbow.

"Yeah...just a light hit. You're totally right about that one, Gerard." Frank said. Gerard looked over at Mikey.

"Oh, he's...had those awhile." Gerard said. "He's fine."

"Gerard, the only one of those injuries he has had for awhile was that bruise on his ankle...and that was also caused by you." Frank said. Gerard looked over at his hurt brother, and feelings of defeat soon turned to regret and sorrow. And more importantly, love for his little brother who had always been there for him.

"Frank...that pencil you broke, do you know where the tip you broke off is?" Gerard asked.

"No. Why?" Frank said.

"Do you think we could find a way to sharpen it?" Gerard asked.

"We could try Ray's knife." Frank said. Gerard nodded, and the two soon got to work.

"Alright, Mikey. You're good to go." Ray said, standing up. "You okay now?"

"I'm fine." Mikey said. Ray started to walk off. "Hey Ray?" Mikey said, stopping Ray.


"Thanks...a lot. You're always here for everyone on the island. You're...truly amazing." Mikey said, hugging him.

"No problem." Ray said. Gerard held what he had for Mikey in his hands. He felt jealous of Ray at that moment. Ray was great...but Mikey was his brother, not Ray's.

Then Gerard realized it was his own fault. Ray had just spent time healing the wounds that *he* caused. He had no right to complain...Ray deserved everything he got.

Once Ray had walked off, Gerard walked up to his brother.

"Mikey?" Gerard asked. Mikey turned around, smile fading.

"What?" Mikey asked, bitterly. Gerard handed him the paper. Mikey looked at it.

"The fortune teller?" Mikey asked. "Um, thanks?" Gerard just nodded and left.

Mikey looked at the paper game, and suddenly noticed something...different. He opened it up. He read what it said.

You were being an ass earlier, but I was way worse. Sorry. Enclosed is something...that has been recently given to me. I think you could use it more.

Your brother,

PS: Sorry if you find you're missing that fish you caught earlier.

Mikey looked at what was given to him, and smiled.

But then he thought: who gave it to Gerard? And how did he...?

You know what? He didn't know, and this time he was fine with that.