
That's What You Get

"Wow...I swear you're getting bigger everyday." Bob said, rubbing Carol's belly. Marty shot him a look, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

"Every woman's favorite words..." Carol mumbled. Marty got up and sat next to her, beginning to rub her shoulders.

"He didn't mean you...he meant the baby...which just happens to make your stomach bigger. The rest of you is still okay." Marty said. Carol turned around swiftly.

"What you you mean by okay?? Carol asked, openly offended.

"I mean...they're great...superb....better than-"

"Than who? Who has these "wonderful" legs, Marty?!" Carol asked. Marty opened his mouth, suddenly closing it. He didn't want to say anything else to make her mad. Carol got up, tears in her eyes.

", the UGLY and FAT cow is just going to go take a nap!" She said, storming off. Marty just looked at her horrified.

"Wow...don't you think she was overreacting a bit?" Bob asked. Marty nodded. Britney got up, rolling her eyes.

"She really isn't." The guys all looked at her.

"You don't think that was a overreaction?" Mikey asked.

"She's a woman...that's how they all act." Gerard said. Britney glared at him. "" He said, unsure.

"No...I'm not saying that. But...she's like seven months pregnant. For her state, that was no where near an overreaction." Britney said.

"So it's the pregnancy that's made her....unpleasant lately?" Ray asked. Britney nodded.

"Duh. Trust me on this one. When my mom had my younger brother, she was like her only to the tenth power." Britney said. "It's just hormones...they're kind of running wild for Carol right now. That, mixed with being on this island while expecting...if anything, she's underreacting."

"Oh." Marty said. Then he just sat there, until he noticed Britney just staring at him. "What??" He asked.

"Well...aren't you going to talk to her?" Britney asked.

" you said, her hormones will make her all...mean." Marty said.

"That doesn't matter. You're with her, and you're the father of her child. It may not be pleasant but it's something you'll have to do." Britney said. Then they just sat there looking at eachother.

"Well...go!" Britney yelled. Marty got up and ran to where Carol was. All the other guys were shaking their heads.

"How do you know so much about women?" Gerard asked. Britney looked at him.

"Hmm...I don't know. Why do you think?" Britney said, heavy sarcasm present. Gerard thought a minute.

"Oh...hehe. Right." Gerard said. The other guys were still scratching their heads, confused.

"" Mikey asked.

"Because her mom had a baby!" Gerard said, laughing. Britney kicked him.

"Ow! What? That's what you meant isn't it?" Gerard asked.

"I'M a woman!" Britney yelled, storming off. The guys looked at eachother, then at the now running away Britney. They sat there silently for a minute.

"What's *her* problem?!" Ray asked.

"I don't know..." Mikey said.

"Maybe SHE'S pregnant." Frank said.

"But then who got her pregnant?" Gerard asked. All the guys shook their heads.

"Maybe it's like...sympathy symptoms or something." Frank said. "Like...she's empathizing with Carol's pregancy or...something." Frank said. All the guys nodded, clapping.

"'re probably right. That's it." Bob said. They were all content with themselves at that point.

At this point, both Carol, Britney, and Marty were looking onto them.

"Man...for a smart group of men, they're pretty dumb." Britney muttered.

"Yeah." Carol said. Marty looked at the two girls.

"I don't know...I thought they made valid points." Marty said. Carol and Britney then walked away.

"WHA-AT?! What did I do??" Marty asked.
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I know I haven't updated in awhile...I've just been kind of busy.