
Baby Jitters

It was dark outside, and faint baby cries could be heard. Marty shot up and looked around.

"Carol? Did you have the baby without me?" He yelled out, searching around.

God, it was dark.

"Yeah...but it's so dark out here. I can't find it!" Carol said. At least, he thought it was Carol.

"I'll find him!" Marty shouted. It was so dark out, he had to feel around for the baby. He felt everywhere from on the ground to the bushes that surrounded them.

"Can you find it?" Carol shouted out.

"Not yet - wait, *it*? Is it a boy or a girl?" Marty asked.

"I don't know exactly...I could tell. It's so dark!" Carol shouted. Marty frowned.

"Let's just hope it isn't an "it"." Marty mumbled to himself.

"Marty! I found it....somebody turn on the lights." Carol said. With that, Marty heard a click and it was bright enough to see.

"Here's your baby boy." Somebody said, handing him a screaming infant. Marty just looked at it. Looking down, it was the body of a baby, and the head of Frank. Marty looked up in complete awe.

"What the...?"

" looks like me, honey." Frank said, suddenly putting his arm around Marty. Marty suddenly screamed out, and -

It was dark...although not as dark as it was before. Marty shot up.

"What the hell?" He asked. He looked up, and Frank was standing right there.

"My baby!" Marty said, reaching for Frank's face. As his hand brushed up against his cheeks, Frank slapped his hand away.

"Are you high?!" Frank asked. Marty shook his head, and his reality switch turned back on.

" was a dream." Marty said.

"You dreamed I was your child??" Frank asked, weirded out.

"Kiiind of." Marty said. "It was a weird dream though."

"Then tell me about it." Frank said, kneeling down. So then Marty proceeded to tell him about the dream. After about a minute of silence, Frank spoke.

"It just sounds like you're a little shaken up about becoming a father. Are you nervous or something?" Frank asked. Marty though, then nodded slightly.

"I think a little. Like, the other night, I had another baby dream. I was sitting there, taking care of our baby, and suddenly it caught on fire..."

"The baby??" Frank asked. Marty nodded. "Oh my god."

"Yeah...and then I looked for an extinguisher, but being on this STUPID island, we didn't have one, so I splashed him with water and it went out. The baby was fine and all...but when I woke up, I started crying and I wasn't able to stop." Marty said.

"I thought you said that you stubbed your toe?" Frank asked. Marty shook his head.

"No, it was the dream. I didn't say anything because I thought it would come off morbid." Marty said.

" IS morbid, but it was just a dream. Just...a small stress dream. You're just upset about having a baby in the middle of a deserted island." Frank said softly. Marty looked up, a fresh set of tears in his eyes.

"Just...what if something happens to our child on the island? I mean...if it's something serious, there's really nothing we can do! It's...not fair." Marty said. And...going against everything he stood for, he grabbed Frank and started crying into his shoulder. Frank would have usually been weirded out, but he figured these were special circumstances.

"It''s okay. We're really close with coming up with a way to get out of here....and we'll try our best to get out before anything can happen to your child." Frank whispered. Marty regained some of his senses and backed.

"But...what if something happens during the birth? Carol's just about nine could be any day now." Marty asked, shaking.

"Well...we'll just pray that doesn't happen. For now, all we can do is hope for the best." Frank said, and Marty grabbed him again.

"Thanks." Marty said.
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I know, again, it's been a long time since I've posted a chapter. I was just on vacation and it's just been a busy summer. And it will still be busy...but I'll try to keep on posting. But there aren't that many chapters left.