

"Ray...your turn." Everyone's attention turned to Ray.

"Um...okay. What was your favorite part of High School?" He asked. Everyone there rolled their eyes.

"Art class." Britney said.

"Lunch." Bob said.

"Graduating." Gerard said. Mikey hit Gerard lightly on the arm.

"Oh c'mon Gerard...High School wasn't THAT bad for had some good times." Mikey said.

"...and I wonder how many of those "good times" took place in his room when no one was home." Frank said with a snicker. Gerard punched him. Hard.

Frank winced from pain. "So THAT'S where you got those muscles from..." He continued to tease. Another hard punch.

"He's only kidding, Gerard." Bob said.

"Yeah, but Gerard is pretty insecure about his High School days. They weren't his best years." Ray said.

"...and unlike SOME people, I wasn't a pig!" Gerard said, glaring at Frank. Frank suddenly quit his snickering.

"Hey...*I* didn't do that in High School." Frank said, his cheeks turning red.

"That's not what Jamia told me." Mikey said, grinning. "She's told me some stories you've told her...a lot of people would be surprised about you, Frank."

"I don't believe it." Frank said, rolling his eyes. Mikey grinned even bigger.

"Wanna bet? What about that time in your Junior year when you-"

"-Okay, okay! Nobody cares about that.'s not even true." Frank said. Mikey looked at him. Frank sighed.

"'s only half true. But nobody would care." Frank said, looking around.

"Um...actually...I'd like to hear it." Britney said, raising her hand and smiling. Frank glared at her, and she waved her head slightly. Before Frank could say anything back, Carol, who was napping earlier, appeared in front of all of them.

"Um...guys?" Carol said, look of pain on her face. She was holding her stomach.

"Ha...she wet herself!" Bob shouted. Marty shot Bob a look and peered back at Carol.

"Um...I don't think that's it..." Marty said, as if in a daze.

"Then what is it...?" Frank asked, looking around. He saw Carol's facial expression and everyone staring at her.

He finally caught on.

"Oh my god!" He said.

And in less than a minute everyone had scrambled to their feet.

Carol was going to have the baby.