
An Offer (Part One)

"I don't know. Are you sure we couldn't build a boat?" Ray asked Frank. The two were walking on the beach...everyone else (with an exception of the new parents) was playing some game while eating dinner. They were (as usual) discussing ways they could get away from tedious island.

"We tried that already...but we'd tools that we just don't have..." Frank said, spitting onto the ground. Ray looking down to where he spat, thinking.

"Well...couldn't we build tools to use?" Ray asked. Frank turned around sharply, rolling his eyes in an exaggerated manner.

"And what would we NEED for that?" Frank asked, staring Ray down. Ray thought a minute. When his thoughts didn't seem like they'd come to an end anytime soon, Frank lost his nerve.

"TOOLS Ray, we'd need TOOLS to make TOOLS...but we don't HAVE any of guess what? NO TOOLS! Damn it, Ray, I thought you were smart!" Frank said, punching Ray lightly on the shoulder.

In reaction to this, instead of anger, Ray just didn't a light chuckle and looked at Frank, amused.

"What's *your* problem today?" He asked, stifling laughter. Frank, feeling like an idiot, shook his head with his eyes closed.

"I'm sorry...I'm just..." Frank didn't finish his sentence but instead gazed at his surroundings. Ray didn't need to asked, he knew what Frank meant.

As the two men continued walking on, the silence was broken when they walked past Carol and Marty, who were (shockingly) trying to calm the crying infant. Ray pointed to the wailing baby and looked at Frank. (And by baby, I'm still referring to the infant.)

"You know...things may seem tough, but LOOK at those two and tell me how tough you really have it..." Ray said. Frank suddenly had a small change of heart. Despite the self pity, he honestly did sympathize with the new parents. Sure, he wanted kids one day, but not in the conditions they were currently in.

After looking at them once more, Ray and Frank nodded at eachother, knowing they were thinking the same thing. They soon put their unspoken deed to work, walking up to the (very) exhausted couple.

" two look pretty tired." Frank said, looking at the still screeching child in their arms.

" kidding." Carol said with a weak smile, rocking their son. "We haven't even had time to think of his name yet."

With a laugh, Frank soon brought up what they came there for.

"Listen, Ray and I were just watching you two, and we were wondering if you would like us to-"

Frank didn't even get to finish before the baby was in his arms and Carol and Marty were out.
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I would just like to say how much I appreciate all the people who still read/comment after all this time without any postings and all the chapters...thanks so much. :-)