
"I'm Married."

First morning of second day on the island. Gerard was the first one awake...he made a fire and caught some fish...and burned the fish. It was only when Ray woke up and cooked the fish that everybody could eat.

"Sorry. I'm not used to cooking on an open fire." Gerard said, stuffing some fish and berries into his mouth at the same time (that must have been an odd flavor...)

"It's okay. Partly because I'm not eating the fish, but the others were able to manage." Frank said, popping a few berries into his mouth. The rest of the day MCR members and the two girls spent talking about their lives, touring, hobbies and other stuff like that, Before they knew it, it was night time, and time for dinner. Mikey got up and rolled up his sleeves to go catch more fish.

"I'll go with you." Britney stated, running up with Mikey.

"That's really okay...I can manage." Mikey said, stepping away.

"No really...I'm a good fisher. Let me come. Please?" She looked pleadingly at Mikey.

"Um...fine. Alright. Yeah. You can come." Mikey said, and they were off.

While fishing, Mikey kept on catching Britney stare at him , and it started to make him uncomfortable.

" catching anything good, Mikey?" Britney asked, stepping closer, taking a look at Mikey's fish pile.

"Yeah. They're really good. So...uh, your he nice?" He asked, looking warily at Britney.

"Oh yeah...he's really great." Britney said, quickly ending the subject. "Oh, that's a big one you caught...can I see it?" She asked, starting to grab for the fish, accidentally grabbing Mikey's hand.

"No. Listen, you're cool and all, but I'm married to a woman, and I love her. I'm sorry, but this is wrong. You're going to have to stop flirting with me." Mikey said, taking several steps away from her.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Britney starts, deeply insulted. "I have a boyfriend at home, I told you that. I wasn't flirting with you, I just wanted to see what you caught!" She said, taking a step forward, majorly pissed.

"Then how come you were staring at me? And how come you changed the subject every time your boyfriend was mentioned? Huh? How come??" Mikey asked.

"First of all, I was looking at you because you remind me of my brother. He plays bass too, and he is also a fan of your band...I just found it ironic. And I changed the subject of my boyfriend because I miss him a lot. Things seemed to have just started, and getting stranded after starting a great relationship with someone after a horrible one sucks. Majorly. I just want to forget about how it might be over with him. I am deeply insulted that you think I would do something like that!" Britney said, storming off. After that, Mikey ran after her, feeling like a complete idiot.