
Apology Accepted

"Britney! Britney!" Mikey yells, running after the person he just insulted. When he finally caught up to her, he grabbed her arm, and she turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry. I guess I just mistook was just a missunderstanging...and I'm sorry for the way I acted." At this point Mikey could clearly see tears in Britney's eyes. "Really. I am....please say something. It's bad enough that you're crying because of what I did...." He trailed off....looking at his feet.

"I'm not really crying because of that. It sucked....but it's because I just realized, I've been gone for practically a month, I didn't even tell Tommy I was leaving...he probably just thinks that I ditched him. And I really liked him too..." That's all it took. At this point Britney was breaking down. Mikey walked up to her, and gave her a hug, and she cried into his arms for almost 5 minutes, and he waited for her to cool down patiently. After that, they both made up and headed back out to the other band members and Carol. Carol had been chatting up a storm, particularly with Ray.

" two were gone for awhile...almost suspiciously long." Gerard said, look of concern growing. Mikey just gave him a stern look and Gerard knew it wasn't anything like that. After that, Carol must have noticed her friends red, cried out eyes, and got up with her and they talked alone a minute, and Mikey could overhear her asking about what happened, to which Britney replied "Nothing. I just said some stuff I've needed to say for a while. I'm fine now." Then they both sat down, eye on the fire. They all cooked the fish and had a very pleasant meal of fish, berries, and apples (Frank just had the apples and berries.) Gerard was telling the story of the shooting of "Famous Last Words."

"I felt so bad for Bob...your leg was burnt pretty bad...right Bob?" Ray asked, looking around. "Wait...I just realized: where the hell is Bob?" Just then, everyone realized that Bob hadn't been present during dinner.

"He had gotten up to go the the bathroom...I guess he never came back." Frank said, bewildered.