
Stupid Apple...

"Great. First Mikey, now much more of this are we going to take?" Gerard said, looking around, hoping he'll see Bob. But from where he was, he could see no Bob.

"I'll go check the bathroom." Frank said, getting up (actually, there was no bathroom, but saying "bathroom" was easier than "the bush where go to pee.")

"I'll go look around on our side of the island." Carol said, scrambling to the other side, Britney and the other guys looked everywhere else. No luck...and Bob wasn't in the bathroom either. Meanwhile, Carol was checking the girl's side of the island.

"Bob!" She yelled, looking around. She continued this for thirty minutes. Nothing. She was going to go back, but she wanted an apple first. She reached up to a branch to grab one, when something caught her eye. A hand. She first screamed when she saw it, until she thought a minute. Her skin went cold.

"Oh Bob..." She said, realizing who the hand belonged to .

"Carol?" the hand said, to which Carol screamed even louder than before. Then, when she got back to her senses, she moved farther, and saw that the hand was attached to Bob's body, which was lying on the ground.

"Bob? What are you doing here? Everyone was worried about you, we've been looking for awhile." Carol said, relieved, and slightly ticked. Bob sounded like he was in pain.

"I had just been to the bathroom, and I wanted an apple. I could reach it, so I grabbed onto the branch to shake it down. I guess I didn't realize there was another, even bigger apple on the branch, and I before I knew it, everything went black. I just woke up now." Bob said, rubbing his head. "Man, do I have a headache..."
Carol grabbed an apple that was near Bob's head.

"Was this it?" She asked, spinning it with her fingers.

"I think so..." Bob said, cheeks starting to turn red. You see, the apple that had "knocked Bob out" wasn't quite as big as Bob thought. Carol smirked, and helped Bob up, who was still dizzy from the apple.

"Thanks." Bob said, smiling at Carol.

"No problem." Carol replied, brushing dirt off of Bob's shoulder.