
Party...Without Bob?

Carol and Bob started to walk back.

"You've got a bump." Carol said, looking at Bob's head.

"I WHAT?" Bob asked, missunderstanding her completely.

"On your HEAD. You have a bump where the apple hit you." She said, shaking her head, muffling a snicker.

"Oh. Yeah." Bob said, cheeks turning red again. Poor Bob. So easily embarrassed.

Carol and Bob were almost back at the campfire when they hear laughing. They were both surprised.

"What the...?" Carol asked...stunned that they weren't worried about Bob. Bob went from embarrassed to pissed.

"So when I'm gone and they can't find me, it's party time???" Bob asked. Then he stormed off.

"Wait...Bob. BOB! Come back!" Carol said. But Bob was gone. Again. Carol then stormed off to the campfire. The laughter stopped.

"Hey...did you find Bob?" Gerard asked, growing serious.

"Yeah...but we came back to party time here, and Bob left. He thought you guys didn't care he was gone." Carol said, angry herself.

"We weren't partying...we really were worried. You just caught us at a bad time...when shouting out Bob's reminded the band of the time some crazy fan was shouting Bob's name in the audience and wouldn't stop. We really were upset." Mikey said, suddenly getting up, looking around. Frank just got up, running to find Bob. Frank didn't want any more drama, and he knew if he explained things to Bob, it would be alright.