
Bob's Upset

"Bob?" Frank started to call out. "Bob? I know you're out here....Bob? BOB????"

"Go away...leave me alone." Said poor, upset Bob. Frank heard he was coming from behind the apple tree, so he stepped closer.

"Bob...we weren't "partying" without you, we had just remembered-"

"...the time where the fan was calling out my name. Yeah, I heard you guys. Whatever. We're cool, I'm not mad. Case closed. Now leave me alone." Bob said. Frank thought he could hear him crying.

"I get the feeling more is troubling you than what you're telling us." Frank said, getting even closer to his fellow bandmate mate.

"It's just....I'm always feeling like the odd one out. Everyone's always either talking about how hot Gerard is or how much they love you or how cute Mikey Way is or you and Gerard making out or Ray's hair. I'm getting really sick of it. I just feel like no one appreciates me. And then those two girls, Sheryl and Whitney, they've spent this whole time raving about you guys. What about me? I want be called hot and cute. I want to have fabulous hair. I want to make out-uh.....well maybe I could do without some things. Point is, I just feel like nobody cares."

"Carol and Britney." Frank said, looking at his arm tattoos.

"What?" Bob asked, not really expecting that comment.

"The girl's names...their Carol and Britney, not Sheryl and Whitney."

"Oh you've GOT to be kidding me!" Bob said, starting to storm off again. Although Frank was prepared this time, he ran after Bob and grabbed his arm.

"People totally care about you, Bob. We care. Your fans care. Trust me, you're a big part of the band...and we wouldn't be as good without you." Frank said, giving Bob a sincere smile.

"Really? Do you mean it? Or are you just saying this to make me feel better?" Bob asked, starting to feel better.

"A little of both. Is it working?" Frank asked, hoping Bob would come back.

"I guess." Bob said, smiling back at Frank. Then the two started walking back to the campfire.

"By the way, have you been working out? I felt some serious muscle..." Frank asked.

"Yup. How'd you know?" Bob asked, looking at his arms.