
Revenge is Sweet...

"So...BRITNEY...truth or dare!" Frank said, grinning wickedly at Britney.

"You can't do that, I just had a turn!" Britney said.

"Um...I'd usually agree with her...but under *certain* circumstances, I'll let it slide." Gerard said, smiling at Frank. "Go ahead."

"So...truth or dare?" Frank asked.

"Fine...truth." Britney said, nervously looking at Frank.

"What's...your favorite color?" Frank asked, still grinning wickedly.

"THAT'S your dare?!" Ray said, somehow dissapointed.

"Um...I don't" Britney said, confused and relieved.

"Alright...your turn again, Britney." Frank said. Caroline was getting fed up.

"Okay, let's move on to somebody-"

"Wait. He's doing something, let them be." Mikey said.

"Okay...Frank. Um...truth or dare?" Britney asked, not sure exactly what she's doing, but somehow sensed that she needed to ask Frank, and that something was coming up.

"Um...truth." Frank asked, not sure how she was going to approach this.

"How old are you?" Britney asked.

"Twenty-six. Nice one." Frank said. "My turn. Truth or dare?"


"Is blond your natural haircolor?"

"Yes...My turn. Truth or dare."


"How tall are you?"

"5"4"...truth or dare?"


"Are you a Capricorn?"

"No. Truth or dare?"


"When is your birthday?"

"Halloween. Truth or dare?"


Everyone gasped, turning towards Britney. She and Frank had been going back and forth, daying "truth" for over an hour. And she just said dare.

"I dare cut off your long, blond hair."