

"CUT! CUT! CUT! CUT...." Everyone was chanting.

"But I don't have anything to cut my hair with...we'll need to try something else." Britney said, grabbing her hair.

"Oh NO we don't!" Ray said, pulling a knife out of his pocket. "I had it in my pocket for...something when the boat was sinking. Go ahead."

" glad you were prepared!" Britney said sarcastically.


"ALRIGHT! Just let me do it!" Britney said. She grabbed a handful of her hair, and brought the knife close to her blond hair, slowly dragging it across.

"Wait! It needs to be shorter than that." Frank said, positioning the knife so it was cutting off most of Britney's hair. She started to protest, but decided to just deal with it. She slowly started to cut. It took about fifteen minutes, and then, she cut her final strand.

"Done." She said, not wanting to think about what she just did.

"HA! You look like Gerard during "The Black Parade"...." Bob said, smirking.

"It looks....interesting." Carol said, trying to be sympathetic. Then she burst out in laughter.

"Gee guys...thanks a lot!" Britney said, looking at her reflection in the water. She felt the top of her head. It reminded her of a peach.

"Alright Britney....your turn." Ray said, laughter coming to an end.

"Fine. Truth or dare...CAROL?" Britney said, ready for payback.