
Carol's Turn...

"Hey! I didn't do anything...why are you taking it out on me?" Carol said, nervous.

"You're the only one who hasn't been asked yet. Besides, you laughed at my new get over it. Now...truth or dare?" Britney asked.

"Truth." Carol replied quickly.

"Fine. Be boring..." Britney grouched.

"Yup...sounds about right. Boring...but smart." Carol said, grinning.

"Fine." Britney said. And sat there, thinking about a possible question she could ask her friend. Then, slowly, a grin crossed her face.

"I got it. But let me warn might not like the question. If you want to, I'll let you switch back to dare." Britney said, looking at her friend. Carol tried to decide whether she was being sincere, or just trying to get her to accept a dare.

"I think I'll stick with truth." Carol said, simply. Now she was nervous. Should she have chosen dare?

"Alright...but don't say I didn't warn you." Britney started. She looked at Carol, who replied with a swift nod.

"When you and Rick broke up, you said it was because he cheated on you. Now, at first, that answer was simple enough. But afterwards, things were cool with you two. You two remained great friends, and you still hang out to this day. Now, I know you, and I know Rick...and that just doesn't seem realistic. If Rick cheated on you, you wouldn't get over it that easily. I was originally going to ask...but when we became stranded, it seemed irrelevent. But have to tell me. What REALLY happened with Rick?" Britney asked, satisfied with her question.

"Nevermind. I choose dare." Carol said, cheeks turning red.


"But you said I could switch, and I choose dare."

"That ship has sailed. I gave you a chance, and you went with the "truth." Now, tell me."

"But I can't! You're right...we didn't break up because he cheated, but I promised I wouldn't tell why we had to break up. I'm sorry....but I'm not going to break a promise over a stupid dare."

"It was a truth..." Bob said. Then, when Carol glared at him, he went to get an apple. Britney started to protest Carol's response (or lack of...?) when Ray got up and whispered in her ear. Then she started to smile.

"That's not a bad idea. Alright Carol, you may choose dare if you wish." Britney said, calmly, and seemingly eager. Carol looked at Ray a minute, then glanced back at Britney.

"Alright...dare." Carol said, not sure what Ray had said, hoping she could trust him.