
Even More Dares...

"Man...I'm sick of fish." Mikey said, licking his fingers.

"And if I have one more berry I'm going to puke." Frank said, grabbing his stomach. "Plus, I'm constantly having to go to the bathroom."

"Well...considering we are on a DESERTED island...I'm thinking it's better than nothing." Ray said. Although he was just as sick of the fish and berries as everyone else.

"I'm getting so hungry I'd eat just about anything..." Britney said, glancing at Gerard. He scooted over nervously.

"Let's continue truth or dare...if we keep talking about food I might actually tun to cannibalism." Carol said.

" was my turn last. So...Mikey, truth or dare? Gerard asked, desperate for a switch of conversation himself.

"Um...dare I guess. Be nice." Mikey said, glancing at his brother. Then, his brother LOVINGLY dared him to lick both his feet. Made Mikey actually want the fish.

"Ugh. Okay done. Ray, truth or dare?" Mikey asked, wiping his mouth.

"Uh....truth...-wait.! I mean dare."

"Too late. You already said truth."

"Oh Mikey, just let him have a dare." Bob said, not wanting to hear another argument.

"Fine. I dare you to....find us food. Something edible, besides fish or berries. And don't come back until you've found it." Mikey said, hoping to get something besides what they've been having.

"No way. We've been through this whole island, there's nothing else." Ray protested.

"I'm sure you'll find something." Mikey said. Ray was about to argue, but he decided it was useless. So he started to walk away from them, deeper into the island.

"Wait. Let me go with you." Carol started. "It's the least I can do for, um..." Caroline realized nobody else knew about earlier. "....helping me with my dare."

"You don't have to." Ray said.

"I want to, really." Caroline said. And with that, she got up and caught up with Ray. And they both walked to the back of the island.