
Second Kiss

Carol and Ray still looked at eachother.

"Oh c'mon...just do it. It wouldn't mean anything." Bob said...pushing Ray. Carol and Ray approached eachother. They just stood there for a minute....and then, peck. Their lips touched about one mili-second, and they quickly sat down.

"Gee...THAT was intense." Gerard said sarcastically.

"Yeah...really. Do you kiss your girlfriend with that mouth, Ray? If so...I feel bad for her." Mikey

"Leave them alone...they are both seeing other much did you really expect to see?" Britney asked...winking at Carol. Carol looked at her confused, then decided to ask about it later.

" turn. Gerard...truth or dare?" Carol asked.

"Um...I'm sick of this." Gerard said. They had been playing truth or dare for hours.

"Yeah...I'm getting tired. I think I'm going to bed." Frank said, going to where they sleep. Then all the others followed. Britney was about to walk away, but before she could, Carol grabbed her arm.

"What?" Britney asked, yawning.

"Why did you wink?" Carol asked.


"Why did you wink at me when you said me and Ray wouldn't go too far?"

"I just winked, it didn't mean anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. What's the matter Carol? You look like your nervous about something. Did something happen with you and Ray tonight?" Britney asked...grinning.

"No. Of course not. I'm happily engaged."

"Yeah...on an island...far FAR away from your fiance. You never know." Britney said.

"I didn't cheat." Carol said, storming off. Britney was still suspicious, but decided to give it time.