
Caught Red Handed...

It was morning. Carol woke up early this particular morning, before anyone else had. She got up and walked to the lake. She stripped down to her underclothes and dived into the water. She felt the cool water on her face, and as cool as it was that day, it had never felt better. She hadn't bathed for a few days and had felt really unclean. As she swam, she thought about Ray. She thought about their kiss.

"It's really for the best we didn't take it farther. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if we ever get off this island." Carol reassured herself. When she had been swimming for about twenty minutes, she heard someone gasp.

"Sorry. Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't think you'd be up this early. I'm sorry, I'll come back later. Sorry." The voice said, sounding nervous. Carol looked up, and saw Gerard looking away, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh...sorry. I had woken up early....I thought nobody else would be awake for a few hours." Carol said, sinking lower into the water, cheeks as red as tomatoes.

"I usually go for a dip in the morning at this time, before anyone else wakes up. But I'll come back later. Just let me know when your done." Gerard said, walking away. Carol couldn't be more embarrassed. She got out of the water and slipped on her clothes, and ran to Gerard.

"I'm sorry...I was practically finished can go in." Carol said, looking at Gerard's face, as red as hers.

"No, that's alright...I'll just go later. I'll just have some want to join me?" Gerard asked Carol, still looking away as if she was still in the water.

"Sure." Carol said, still tense. Gerard and Carol walked towards the fire, when they stopped. It was lit, which was odd. Gerard was positive they put it out. As they got closer, they caught sight of something neither one of them expected. They saw Mikey and Britney locked together in a deep kiss.

"Oh my god!" Both Carol and Gerard said in unison.