

Gerard and Carol turned away from Britney and Mikey, still sucking eachother's face.

"Wow." Gerard said, eyes wide. He couldn't believe his brother.

"Yeah....I know. It's weird." Carol said.

"How the hell could he do that to Alicia? Or her to her boyfriend? We might get of this island...and they're willing to put ALL THAT on the line...just because of one lustful moment? I can't believe them!" Gerard said. Now Carol didn't know what to think. She stopped things with Ray before things got too serious. But she could understand where Mikey and Britney were coming from. Whether out of pity, or guilt, she decided to stick up for them.

"Maybe we should give them a break. We might not get of this island...maybe-"

"What? We should just let them keep it up? Screw that." Gerard said, turning back to face them. Things were even more serious with Britney and Gerard, Mikey starting to unzip Britney's pants.

"Mikey!" Gerard screamed. Suddenly, Britney and Mikey looked up, like deer in the headlights.

'Hey Carol!' Britney said, zipping up her pants. "What are you two doing up so early?" Both she and Mikey looked nervous (and sweaty...but for other reasons) when Mikey started to speak.

"It's not what it looks like....we-uh....we...." Mikey stopped talking. He tried thinking of something, but nothing came to mind.

"You two are just screwing up your relationships with the people you REALLY love." Gerard said, looking at Carol for support. She said nothing.

"We has woken up early this morning. We started the fire and it just...happened." Britney said.

" didn't mean anything." Mikey said, and Carol could tell it was true for both of them. Britney nodded in agreement, if she had thought it was something more, Mikey would be hurting now.

"So it's just lust?! Wow, that's sweet. So who cares about Alicia, and whoever Britney's dating, so long as you two don't mean anything to eachother." Gerard said, sarcastically.

"It just gets lonely on this island....I don't know what the big deal is. It's just...hard to withstand the temptation. Mikey and I are just's not like we don't know eachother." Britney said. Gerard was about to argue some more, when Carol joined in.

"Just leave them alone. I understand where they're coming from." Carol said.

"Whatever. You two want to piss your relationships away, go ahead." Gerard said, storming off. Mikey followed his brother, trying to calm him down. Britney walked up to Carol.

"Thanks. It was really only an "in the moment" situation, nothing more." Britney started to walk away, then stopped, turning back towards Carol. "Or and Ray did do more than look for food. Something DID happen with you two, didn't it? Usually you'd be ALL over my case...unless you felt guilty. So...did you guys kiss...or did you-?"

"Stop right there. We just kissed, lightly. And I actually ended it, because I DO have someone at home I care about, and I DO think we'll get back. I realized that I didn't think of Ray as more than a friend, and THAT'S why I ended it, and from the look of you pants, and the extra undone button on your shirt, you weren't about to stop things. What if he or you had a disease? Did you even THINK about that?" Carol was angry, at herself and Britney.

"Cool it. We had....something, that he had brought on the cruise with him. Besides, neither of us have any diseases." Britney said.

"Wait, he had something? Didn't he go on the cruise with the other band members, and nobody else? Why would he...?" Carol thought about it. "You know what, I DON'T want to know." Carol said. Britney sat back, and thought about it. She stopped. She didn't want to know either.