
On the Cruise Ship

Ray sighed deeply, and plopped on his bed. He then got up and started to unpack his things.

"Four days. Alone. With four guys. Great." He muttered to himself. Then sat back and turned on the tv, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Go away." He moaned. Frank came in anyway, there was something red in his mouth. When he came closer I saw it was a Twizzler. He held out the bag to Ray, but he pushed away.

"I think I'm sea sick."

"Damn, that sucks. I get car sick a lot...but on boats I'm fine. I guess it's because they aren't as small or something. Are you sure you don't want one?" Frank asked. Ray just gave him a dirty look.

"I can take a hint. Look, I'm not happy that Jamia couldn't come either, but you don't have to be an ass." Frank grumbled, leaving Ray's room.

"Atleast I'm an ass with great hair..." Ray muttered to himelf, quietly chuckling. He decided to get over himself and see what everybody was doing. Ray walked out and caught Gerard looking at his butt in the mirror. Ray just sat and stared, when Gerard finally saw that he wasn't alone. At an instant he turned around.

"You really shouldn't sneak up on people like that Ray..." Gerard said, blushing, redder than Frank's Twizzler.

"Um...sorry. I was just wondering if you wanted to get something to eat." Ray asked, muffling a chuckle.

"Um...yeah..." Gerard said, happy to change the subject.

"Okay...let's see if anyone else is up for it."

" the way. I thought I had sat in something, that's the ONLY reason I was looking at myself. Honestly, Ray."

"Okay." Ray said with a smile, not quite believing him. "Whatever you say." Gerard started to protest, but overall decided that he knew he was full of it.