
Carol Tells Gerard

"They did WHAT?" Frank asked Gerard. Gerard had just told Frank about Britney and Mikey.

"" Frank asked. Gerard looked at him like he had two heads.

"How? Honestly? HOW?" Gerard asked, with a smirk.

"Well I obviously know HOW, could Mikey do that to Alicia?" Frank asked, still stunned.

"That's what I thought....maybe they don't think they'll get off this island." Gerard said, uncertain himself.

"Oh...we will get off this island. We HAVE to. I need to be with Jamia dammit! I miss her like hell."

"Well...sorry to say, but we might have to be here the rest of our lives." Gerard said, looking down.

"Nope. I believe that, and I don't." Frank said, getting up and walking away. Gerard looked out and saw Carol sitting on a rock, head in hands. He got up, walked up to where she was, and sat down.

"You okay?" Gerard asked. Carol was sniffling, and looked up. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"I'm fine." She said.

"You're crying...that's not what I'd call fine." Gerard said to her. After a minute, Carol spoke.

"It's just...cheating is so wrong, and for this island to drive that out of someone is just-"

"Woa, woa, woa. You're crying because of Britney and Mikey's mistake? That's not your problem...that's for them to settle. Not you." Gerard said, patting her back.

" don't get it. Me and Ray kissed when we were "looking" for food." Carol said, starting to cry again.

"WAIT A two weren't trying to find food? If I have to eat ONE more stinking apple I....." Gerard stopped when Carol gave him a look that would make the mightiest man wimper.

"Sorry.' He said simply. "But really, how could you do that to your boyfriend? Don't you feel bad?"

"Well DUH! That's why I'm crying you ass!" Carol said, starting again.

"Geez, I'm not the one who cheated." Gerard said, followed with another angry stare. "Sorry...again." Gerard said, even softer.

"I don't love Ray or anything, he's a great guy and a great friend, but nothing more. It's gets lonely on this island. When temptations are waved in front of your''s just sometimes hard to resist." Carol said, looking down.

"Tell me about it." They heard from a voice far away. It was Ray with a mouthful of apple. Taking another bite, he walked over and sat down.

"What ya guys talking about?" He asked, taking another bite to add to his already full mouth.