
Another Game

"Sorry to hear about your dream, Bob." Frank said, sorry for Bob's false hope.

"That's okay." Bob mumbled.

"Is it?" Britney asked.

"No." Bob said, whispering something to himself.

Everybody was eating fish and berries (I know, shocking, isn't it?) They were just about finished when Mikey brought something up.

"Listen. I know you guys might have heard things about me and Britney. But I'm here to say that all we did was kiss. We didn't do anything else, and we won't do it again." Mikey said simply, sitting back down when he finished. There was awkward silence, and everybody thought they heard Britney groaning, but nobody said anything.

" wants to play another game?" Gerard asked. Everyone groaned.

"Not more truth or dare. Trust me, that's cause enough conflict for a lifetime." Carol said, looking at her fingers.

" wouldn't be truth or would be something different. C'mon, we need SOMETHING to keep us busy on this island." Gerard said.

"I think we have PLENTY to keep us busy on this island." Britney said, winking at Mikey. Mikey scooted over a little.

"Well...what would we play then?" Bob asked.

"We'll play...charades." Gerard said, as if he just sugguested the most risky game around. Everybody just looked at eachother...not quite sure what to think.