

"A chicken?"


"A duck?"


"A chicken-duck?"

"NO! And...what the hell?"

"I read about it's like a chicken-duck breed."

"Whatever. No, I was being a dog. D-O-G. How could you not figure that out?" Gerard said. He and Frank had been going back and forth like this for about ten minutes. Truth is: Frank sucks at guessing and Gerard's even worse at acting out. It's a pretty pathetic combo, really.

"Alright...MY turn." Britney said. She got up and started shaking her hips around really weirdly. Everyone just stared.

"Uh...a headless chicken-duck?" Frank asked.


"Gerard on stage?" Mikey asked.


"Porno-mime?" Caroline asked.**

"Nooo." Britney said. This went on for about ten minutes.

"Chicken-duck in heat?" Frank asked.

"Shut up about the stupid chicken-duck, Frank!" Bob said, agitated.

"Make me..." Frank said.

"Oh I will..." Bob said, rolling his sleeves and getting up. Then, Frank and Bob proceeded into a ridiculous looking fist...*ahem*...SLAP fight. Both their eyes were closed. It was more pathetic than Frank and Gerard playing charades.

"It was HELENA you numb skulls. You know? The woman in the "Helena" video you all made. Geez, how pathetic do you get? (Not very, actually. Britney sucked at charades too.)

"Alright...this game officially sucks. Bad idea...even I have to admit." Gerard says, thinking again.

"How about I come up with something?" Frank said...thinking. His eyes lit up, and a big grin grew on his face. He knew what they should do.
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**inside joke from a Panic! at the Disco video with my friend. It's pretty clear if you've seen it.