
Fun's Over

Gerard finished kissing himself....again. He no longer liked the game "Spin the Bottle." He spun again. It landed on Frank. Nothing new. Frank and Gerard met in the center of the circle. Then something...odd happened. They kissed, lightly at first, then, it started getting oddly heavier. Pretty soon they were practically making out. Everyone's jaw dropped. Realizing they were in front of people, Gerard and Frank broke it up. Then, without words, walked back to their spot.

"My turn." Frank coughed out, cheeks red. He looked up at Gerard, and the bottle spun. It landed on Ray. Frank walked up to Ray and gave him a quick little peck. Ray smiled.

"Awww....guess someone only has lips for Gerard." Ray laughed. Then, something unexpected happened. You see, Frank is usually easy going, and everyone expected him to laugh that comment off. But no. He full on tackled Ray, shouting at him every name in the book. Everybody just looked. They were ALL shocked....this was so unlike Frank.

"Get the f*ck off me Frank! Frank!" It was getting harder for Ray to talk, Frank just kept punching him. Finally, coming to their senses, everybody broke the fight up. They sat both Frank and Ray on opposite sides of the fire. Frank had tears in his eyes. Ray had blood on his nose. It was awful.

"Wha.....what the hell was that?" Ray asked Frank, more concerned than angry.

"Nothing. Just....nevermind." Frank said. Then he got up and ran to the other side of the island. Everybody else just sat there, completely fazed.

"Your turn, Ray." Britney said, handing Ray the bottle.