
Frank's Apology

It was later that night. Everybody decided that maybe it was time to stop the game after Frank's "incident." Truth is, it's not like everybody thought. Frank wasn't really mad at Ray, he was just frustrated. Everybody probably thought that what just happened with Gerard and Frank was just a silly "Frerard" moment, but it's not like that. Gerard's a great friend, and they could really get a crowd going by kissing, but he didn't feel much for Gerard besides friendship. But if you've been alone on an island, watching other people make out, without anyone to kiss yourself, you'd get into it with just about anyone. He beat up on Ray because, at the time, he was considering how much he truly missed Jamia, and Ray's little comment just sent him over the edge. Later that night, though, he felt he should make amends for the incident, seeing as how Ray was truly just kidding. He walked back to the fire, but everybody was gone. He searched the island, and found Ray (not very hard to do, with Ray's hair and all.) He walked up to his fluffy haired bandmate.

"Hey...Ray?" Frank called out. Ray looked at him. He wasn't angry at Frank. He was a little at first, but he figured there was probaby a deeper reason as to why Frank beat him like that.

"Um...hi. You okay?" Ray asked. Frank looked at Ray, holding up a piece of cloth to his already swollen lip.

"I should be asking you that." Frank said, sitting beside him. "Man, I really did a number on you, huh?" Frank asked. Ray nodded. Ray reacting so nicely made Frank feel even worse.

"I'm really, REALLY sorry Ray. I have other reasons for hitting you, although they don't excuse it. I...I had other things on my mind at the time, I know you were only kidding." Frank said, barely able to look at Ray.

"Like being in love with Gerard?" Ray asked, IMMEDIATELY regretting his words. Only this time, Frank didn't beat him. He just gave a small chuckle.

"No, it's not like that. I don't know about everyone's "Frerard" stuff...but that's just sort of a stage act. The truth is: for a brief second, I thought I was kissing Jamia." Frank said.

"You confused Gerard with your wife? I mean, I know he's not the most masculine guy int he world, but...." Ray trailed off, looking at Frank's face. He realized his friend was being serious. "How?" Ray asked.

"It's just....I dunno. I guess, except on stage, I never really kiss anyone but her. And I never kiss ANYONE but her like that. I just....I guess I got caught up in the moment, that's all." Frank said. Ray looked at Frank, then gave him a quick hug, saying with more than words that he understood completely. Gerard walked past them, with the SLIGHTEST look of jealousy in his eyes. He shrugged it off and continued.