
Just Sleep

Gerard woke up. He was on the island, and everything seemed normal. It was night time, and he gazed up at a start filled sky ahead of him. Everybody else on the island was asleep, snoring. Ray kept on moving in his sleep, muttering something about "gumdrops." Gerard just smirked and walked to the water. He grabbed some of it and splashed his face with the clear liquid, which felt fresh and clean on his dirty face. He was about to leave for where he was sleeping when he did a double take. Something wasn't right about his reflection.

It was Gerard's face, looking as it normally did (only without eyeliner, which faded away a long time ago. He tried using dirt, but it really didn't work that well, so now his eyes were bare. Mikey would sometimes jokingly refer to him as Gerard "Naked Eye'd" Way.) Although his face was normal, his hair was slicked back. Looking closely, he noticed that he was in a white tuxedo in his reflection. He got up and turned around. Everyone on the island, asleep a minute ago, was lined up, bare feet standing "foot to foot" on the sandy beach floors. He looked around, and realized Frank was missing. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice whisper in his ear.

"Ready to do this, Gee?" The voice asked. Gerard turned around, and BOY what a sight he saw. It was Frank, only a VERY different looking Frank. His hair was longer than usual, and pulled back. He was in a wedding dress, lacy and a bright, bright white. He had on silky gloves, and thick makeup on his face, topped of with bright, red lipstick and crystal earings. Gerard looked down, and noticed his own feet were now covered in leathery black shoes. Even more amusing was that Frank was in ridiculously high heels, white, with a flower at the top of each.

Things rapidly got even weirder. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Matt, their old drummer, was in front of Frank and Gerard. He was dressed as a minister. After howling a bunch of nothings that Gerard couldn't understand (although Gerard thought he heard a mention of "raw bacon" at one point) Matt's words finally became clear.

"Do you, Frank, take Gerard to be your husband in sickness and in health, until My Chemical Romance breaks up, or Jamia finds out?"

"I do." Frank said, tears forming in his eyes.

"And you you, Jared, ta-"

"It's "Gerard" Matt." Frank corrected him.

"Fine, and do you, Jared, take Frank to be, uh, your spouse, until you decide you want a fish instead?" Matt asked. Gerard was utterly confused.

"Sure...why not." Jared, erm, GERARD said.

"Then I now pronounce you Frank and Jared. You may now kiss the Frank." Matt said, and suddenly dissapeared.

Frank then suddenly moved closer to Gerard, pulled him in, and gave him a long, deep kiss. Then he pulled back.

"Gerard, Gerard, there's a spider. Gerard. GERARD!" Frank said, and he suddenly kicked Gerard on the shin.

Gerard was suddenly back on the island, at night. He was sweating. He suddenly reached for his leg, which hurt like hell. He must have been dreaming the whole "wedding." But how could a dream make his leg hurt like this?

"Gerard? You okay?" A voice asked him, It was Frank.

"Yeah...I'm fine." Gerard said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry I had to hit you. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't move. There was a spider crawling up your leg, and I wasn't sure if it was poisonous. When you didn't wake up, I panicked and hit you with this stick." Frank said, holding up a thick branch.

"Thanks...I think." Gerard said, rubbing his leg.

"What were you dreaming about? I heard you mumbling in your sleep. Something about Matt and raw bacon, and I think I heard you mention a chicken-duck." Frank said with a yawn.

"Nothing. I can't remember it anyways. I'm fine, you can go back to sleep now." Gerard said, and with that, Frank walked back to where he slept, and was soon snoring. Gerard layed back down, and closed his eyes.

"That is the last time I eat those pink berries I found." Gerard thought to himself, falling back into a deep, now dreamless sleep.