
Things Get Wet (Like Ray's Hair!)

The MCR members had just finished eating their dinner.

"That was really good...especially the chicken. Really great." Gerard said, biting his nails.

"Wait...that was chicken?" Frank inquired, eyes bulging.

"Yeah...didn't you know?" Gerard said, look of concern on his face. Without even finishing Frank ran to the bathroom.

"There wasn't chicken in that." Mikey said, remember what the menu said.

"I know..." Gerard said with a sheepish grin. He knew he'd pay for that later, but he honestly couldn't help himself.

Later that night, Bob woke up feeling, strange. He sat up and discovered his bed was wet.
"Dammit! Not again..." He groaned. Just then Mikey came in. When he saw Bob's face went red, he rolled his eyes. Then realized that this was no time to pick on him.

"Bob, you didn't wet yourself, the ship is sinking!" Mikey yelled, immediately running out. Relief swept over Bob when he realized he didn't just wet the bed, until common sense struck.

"Oh sh*t! The ship is sinking!" He screamed, running out fast. He thought he caught Gerard running out with everyone else, but he decided he had to fend for himself on this one. One by one people were jumping overboard, and Bob did the same. The first thing he felt was the sharp feel of the cold, cold water, hitting him like a thousand needles. He couldn't breathe, and just when he thought his precious life was over, his head came to the top of the waters, He saw people all around him struggling (when I say people, I mean the ship captain and the MCR members, Not a lot of people went on this cruise.)
Bob, looking around in panick, caught a glimpse on a small island. It would be a tiring swim, but he thought he could make it. He used his arms and started swimming. When he had been swimming for what felt like hours (it was only 25 minutes) he has reached the island, He just lay there for five minutes, thinking he was going to die, when suddenly he felt a pair of hands on his back.

"Bob!" He heard a familiar voice scream. Bob looked up. Never was Bob so happy to see Frank's face.

"Oh Frank!" Bob shrieked, (can Bob shriek?) grabbing Frank and hugging him hard.

"Have you seen any of the other members?" Bob asked.

"Ray's looking for help. No sign of Gerard or Mikey yet, though."

"Any sign of the others? Oh Bob! You okay?" Ray asked. Bob would've responded, but he was too busy on the ground, laughing hysterically at the sight of Ray's wet hair.

Just then they heard a voice.

"Ray, is that you?" Gerard asks. He made it, with decent hair I might add. Before Ray can respond Gerard is on the floor, laughing with Bob.

"Okay, I get it. My hair looks funny...can we get to the issue of Mikey? Has anyone seen Mikey?" All the members look around...but no sign of the other Way brother.