

For the past week, Gerard had continued having extremely odd dreams. And Frank was always somehow tied into them. The night after the first dream, Gerard and Frank were on their honeymoon (which believe me, everyone would be better off NOT hearing about.) Frank kept on asking "Jerad" to call him Frankita.

Also, in every dream, Gerard has been called a bunch of names similar to his own, but not quite there (Jerad, Jerry, Gerardo, Gary, and once somebody called him Simon, which he truly did not understand.) But no matter where he was in his dreams, Frank was always there, in some weird scenerio. One night, Gerard dreamt that he was a Princess, and "Knight" Frank needed to rescue him. To get to Gerard, Frank needed to climb up Gerards long, black hair (it was much longer in the dream.) When he got to the top, they both danced to some random Backstreet Boys song. It was pretty....different.

Anyways, after having a particularly bizarre dream involving Frank, a jar of mustard, and some guy named Henry, Gerard woke up. It was early in the morning, he could tell, and he got up to catch a fish to fill his hungry gut. He was about to dive for one when he stopped. He looked in the reflection of the water, and saw Frank. Uh oh. Frank was in this long skirt and flip flops. Gerard turned around. He knew what was coming. Some odd romantic thing would happen between them and then he would wake up. Guess his dream wasn't over. Gerard decided he just wanted it over with, so he decided to take charge.

Gerard edged his way closer to Frank, who was just standing there, grinning. Then, suddenly his eyes got this weirded out look to them. Gerard grabbed Frank by the face, brought him close, and gave him a long, deep kiss. When he stopped, he pulled apart. Frank just stared at him in awe.

"What the...?" He muttered, touching his lips. He looked at Gerard like he had a second head.

"That's not how you usually react, you sweet thing, you." Gerard chuckled, hoping that maybe sweet talk would end this nightmare. Frank still just stared.

"So...what are we going to do now? Make out to some stupid NSYNC song? Try me, anything will do. Just get me out of this, quick." Gerard said.

"What the hell are you talking about? Why did you kiss me?" Frank asked, disturbed to a fault.

"Well, we've only been kissing for the past week or've never acted like this before." Gerard smiled, brushing Frank's arm. Frank jerked back.

"When....what? Who? How? What?" Frank asked, blushing.

"Well, I guess your being different in this dream. Fine by me. I'll just sit here and wait to wake up." Gerard said, sitting down. Frank just stared at him.

"Dude....this is no dream. I think your truly losing it." Frank said, walking away. Gerard sat there a minute, thinking. He slapped his head. He could NOT believe what he just did. If it were a dream, that would be one thing, but awake...
Just then Gerard had a thought. He ran to catch up with Frank. He grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Woah, woah, wait a minute. If this *isn't* a dream...then how come your in a dress?" Gerard asked.

"Um...I found it a few days ago on the island. It must have been left by somebody...I had been saving it to freak you out. Only I didn't think you'd kiss me..." Frank trailed off. "Why did you kiss me, Gerard?" He asked. Gerard took one look at him.

"You'd better sit down for this." Gerard said.